
AJAX Chat - Open Source Web Chat / News: Recent posts

Project Moved to GitHub

Blueimp's AJAX Chat project is now on GitHub! This Sourceforge project page will remain available for downloads and archive purposes.
Find the new project here:

Posted by Philip Nicolcev 2013-03-03

AJAX Chat 0.8.5a released

Version 0.8.5a fixes a typo in the config.php file (and config.php.example file) that would cause chat to crash.

Posted by Philip Nicolcev 2012-05-11

AJAX Chat 0.8.5 released

0.8.5 is released. This version finally has sound returning to chrome users. In addition there are now html readme files included with all the versions, and a user submitted danish translation.

Posted by Philip Nicolcev 2012-02-20

AJAX Chat version 0.8.4 released

Version 0.8.4 contains a bugfix for sound in chrome and safari browsers.

Posted by Philip Nicolcev 2012-02-13

AJAX Chat version 0.8.3 released

Version 0.8.3 adds 5 new languages and 2 language corrections.

A buffer is now used to reduce the number of DOM calls and improve chat performance.

Chat will try to reconnect when the connection with the server is lost, and the icon will indicate the problem by turning red.

Some minor bugfixes are also included.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to keeping this project alive!

Posted by Philip Nicolcev 2009-06-26

AJAX Chat - Version 0.8.2 released

Version 0.8.2 adds 8 new languages and minor language updates.

A status icon has been added to display when the client is waiting for an update from the server that can be clicked to force a chat update.

It also includes some minor bugfixes.

Posted by Philip Nicolcev 2009-03-01

New Project Developers!

Hey everyone, I just thought I'd let you all know that I've taken over the development of AJAX Chat, along with a couple other great folks.

Eric Martindale (remaeus) - Developer
Will Anderson (javayahtzee) - Developer
Phil (frug) - Support Manager

We've got some exciting things in store for you, but you'll have to be patient while we all get accustomed to the project.

Some quick plans!
- Create a coldfusion socket server
- Improve performance (caching, socket overhaul, FLEX/COMET/Javascript 2.0)... read more

Posted by Eric Martindale 2008-04-02

AJAX Chat - Search: Developer for Project Takeover

I am searching for a developer wishing to takeover the AJAX Chat project.
This means improving the code base, implementing new features and continuing user support.

By taking over the project you will be given admin rights and full control over the project's further development.
I will try to assist and answer any questions regarding the existing code but won't be involved in the development process of future versions.... read more

Posted by Sebastian Tschan 2008-03-22

AJAX Chat - Version released

This release adds the turkish localization - thanks to Cydonian.
It fixes also an encryption warning on IE due to the hardcoded flash codebase url when accessing the chat via HTTPS.

Posted by Sebastian Tschan 2008-03-22

AJAX Chat - Version released

This is a bugfix release.
The fix is only one space character added to address a bug happening with the Opera browser and related to the display of the deletion link for chat messages.
Seems like Opera messes up in some situations when displaying floating links without content.

Posted by Sebastian Tschan 2008-03-10

AJAX Chat - Version 0.8.1 released

Version 0.8.1 adds official support for image BBCode.
Two new items have been added to the settings page to enable/disable image BBCode and font color BBCode.
It is also possible to define a regular expression for source URL's of images allowed to be posted.

Posted by Sebastian Tschan 2008-03-09

AJAX Chat - Version 0.8 released

The main feature of the new version is an improved socket code which allows real streaming of chat messages and greatly improves performance.
With the new socket code AJAX Chat features a Flash based "Comet" style push technology.

Posted by Sebastian Tschan 2008-03-05

AJAX Chat: Version 0.7.4 released

AJAX Chat is a fully customizable web chat implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL which integrates nicely with common forum systems like phpBB, MyBB, PunBB, SMF and vBulletin. A Flash and Ruby based socket connection can be used to boost performance.

AJAX Chat now features an easy to use installation script to create the required database tables.

Additionally some minor bugs have been fixed and some translations have been updated (see changelog for this release).

Posted by Sebastian Tschan 2008-02-29

AJAX Chat - Custom integration tutorial

The Wiki has been updated and contains now a Custom integration tutorial:
It explains how to integrate AJAX Chat into any existing forum or website.

Posted by Sebastian Tschan 2008-02-01

AJAX Chat - Version 0.7.3 released

Version 0.7.3 of AJAX Chat introduces a huge improvement for shoutbox installations:
By default, the shoutbox now delayes the chat update until the user sets the focus to the input field. Until then only teaser content is shown which requires no login to the chat view.
This helps reducing server load and prevents every user visiting a page showing the shoutbox to get logged in immediately.

Posted by Sebastian Tschan 2008-01-29

AJAX Chat - Open Source Web Chat - New Project

AJAX Chat is a free and open source web chat software. It is implemented using Asynchronous JavaScript And XML on Client-Side and PHP, MySQL and XML on Server-Side. A Flash and Ruby based socket connection can be used to boost performance.

Posted by Sebastian Tschan 2008-01-19