
#3 Invalid Argument

air (3)

Invalid Argument error using zero as source or even urandom as source,

Start DD (md5 inline): Fri Sep 17 08:41:43 EDT 2010

md5 hash will be calculated on /dev/zero.

dd if=/dev/zero skip=0 conv=noerror,sync iflag=direct ibs=32768 2>> /usr/local/share/air/logs/air.image.log | air-counter 2>> /usr/local/share/air/logs/ | tee /usr/local/share/air/air-fifo | md5sum > /tmp/hash.log 2>&1
dd if=/usr/local/share/air/air-fifo 2>> /usr/local/share/air/logs/air.image.log | dd of=/dev/sdd seek=0 obs=32768 >> /usr/local/share/air/logs/air.image.log 2>&1
dd: opening `/dev/zero': Invalid argument
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes (0 B) copied, 2.0114e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes (0 B) copied, 0.0823426 s, 0.0 kB/s
Command completed: Fri Sep 17 08:41:46 EDT 2010


  • Steve Gibson

    Steve Gibson - 2010-09-17

    Okay, confirmed. It's because of the iflag=direct option being used in conjunction with non-hardware devices like /dev/zero and /dev/urandom. I'll see about getting a fix released ASAP.

  • Steve Gibson

    Steve Gibson - 2010-09-17
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Nanni Bassetti

    Nanni Bassetti - 2010-09-17

    AIR 2.0.0 is present in Caine 2.0 :)

  • Nanni Bassetti

    Nanni Bassetti - 2010-09-17

    in any case you can change the iflag there are other otions :)

  • Steve Gibson

    Steve Gibson - 2010-09-17
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • status: open-accepted --> pending-accepted
  • Steve Gibson

    Steve Gibson - 2010-09-17

    You're right. I forgot that the iflag could be set from the UI (it's been a long day). So if an iflag option like 'sync' is selected instead of 'direct' reading from /dev/zero works fine.

    AIR should know to disable the iflag option if it detects that a non-hardware device is being used, but since there is an easy work-around it isn't critical at this point.

  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending-accepted --> closed-accepted
  • SourceForge Robot

    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).


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