
#29 multipart questions analyser


Chris said that he has been using the new multi-part
questions with students and all seems to work well,
except for the analysis of the answers.

"For example, I can't obtain a list of all their
answers yet."

Neil said that:

In cases where the parts are strongly interdependent,
it is not at all clear how the analysis should work;
any detailed thoughts on this question would be

We 'll soon have to implemente the same facility in
WALLIS but haven't really finalised its design yet so
anything that comes out of this should be also
interesting for us.

The current course of action is to treat the parts of
the questions as questions themselves and analyse them
separately by roviding the variables involved from the
previous part When they are very interconnected though
we could as well show the whole question again as it
happens now in the quiz review page.

The same things would apply in the results summary page
although things become more complicated ... in reality
what we want to implement is an analysis that based on
the variables in every multipart shows the same answers
(so we are not talking about the actual syntax of the
answer but it's potential answer based on the variables
of the question)


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