
#54 Aglet & itinerary & cloning examples


hello all,
I wish any body can help me on this case.I am trying to find any aglet
examples to start small itinerary, I like to start programming an
aglet that will travel to all the hosts and do a task in each, I am
thinking to make clone in each host and when the local task finish
just to dispose itself. I don't know which example to use, I used
ItinerantAglet3 which use SlaveItinerary but I could not do cloning,
cause the run() methods is just running at the last destination, I am
trying to find other examples to start with like SeqItinerary but when
I compile it, it gives me some errors cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class Itinerary. [I am using the aglet examples book]

Plz help to find and choose the right example to start with, as I said
earlier I need my aglet travel and visit all the distinctions and
during the trip clone itself in the first host and do its task and the
clone copy carry on in the trip and in the second host it will clone
itself and the original copy do the task and the clone copy immigrate
to new host etc etc till it reached the last distinction then it will
do the task first and then it will dispose itself.

I am looking for your help.


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