
AgileTrack Version 1.1.2 Released

This is a minor maintenance release. A couple new features have been added to help with large project lists.

* Auto-completion has been added to combo-boxes. This will allow projects and other fields to be selected by typing the title and searching the list for the best match while doing so. It should allow project assignment to be a lot simpler when complex project trees are set up.
* Project filtering is available in the Projects tab. A filter panel is hidden at the top of the project list. When expanded, closed projects can be filtered out of the list, and the list can be filtered by any text typed in the search field.

A few defects are also fixed:

* The “Releases” tab had a search problem that occured when no iterations were assigned to the release. It now works correctly.
* The agiletrack.exe displayed problems on some systems using MySQL database connections.
* The speed of saving records is improved by delaying the text indexing process.

Please continue to submit bug reports and feature requests. Thanks you for your support.

Posted by x10gimli 2007-07-24

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