
AgileTrack Version 0.6e Released

This release has very little new interface functionality from the 0.6c release. This update has focused on three primary features.

1. Initial internationalization of the interface has been complete. The login dialog now allows a language selection for the tool. The languages files can also be used to simply change terminology if that is desired--for example to use Scrum terminology versus Extreme Programming, etc.

Languages can be added by duplicating the 'default' file in the 'lib/languages' directory of the distribution, naming it as desired, and translating as appropriate. The new language files should automatically be detected the next time AgileTrack is started, and an option in the Languages selection box will be provided. I have provided an initial Portuguese language file as an example (though I'm not terribly familiar with Portuguese programming terminology, so I may be totally wrong in some places).

2. A JSON-RPC web service was added as an alternative to XML-RPC. This was done mostly as an exercise. It follows the JSON-RPC spec, but has not been tested with any other JSON-RPC implementations. The interface has not been documented, though it is vary similar to the XML-RPC interface (whose documentation is currently out-of-date, and is in the process of being updated).

3. Since the addition of the tree views, the data access layer has struggled when dealing with anything but small data sets--particularly when accessed over the XML-RPC interface. This had to do with how the tree structures were generated. This update improves the speed of generating and loading tree structures by decreasing the number of calls to the access layer and returning more information per call.

There are many languages out there and I am familiar with very few. If anyone is willing to be a translator for a particular language, please contact me. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Posted by x10gimli 2006-04-17

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