
feature req

  • vignesh babu

    vignesh babu - 2008-12-10

    Hi, I think this would be a useful addition:
    Have the comments dialog attached to the main window itself.
    Let the window be editable which would make it a lot easier to add comments.
    This is a tool to track time in a very simple and fast way, and I would not want to spend time right clicking and entering comments which I might want to edit later ;)

    Just my view.

    • Toni Rosa

      Toni Rosa - 2008-12-10

      I thing you are right... I 'll try to redesign the main form to include comments on it fro the next version.
      Actually I don't use comments either because of this reason.

    • Toni Rosa

      Toni Rosa - 2008-12-14

      Done in new version 0.1.36


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