
Automated Functional Test Engine in Ruby / News: Recent posts

100 downloads reached!!

Today marks a big achievement for AFTER. Today we passed 100 downloads. With that though I would put a call out to those that have downloaded. Can you please give us some feedback of whether you loved it or hated it. We are really trying to chart the direction for the future and would really appreciate the input of the community that is using it. We are presenting AFTER at the Google Test Automation Conference in August and would like to incorporate some community feedback before then.... read more

Posted by Sergio 2007-05-29

0.1.2007.0426 Released

This is a pretty minor release. Only two things of note were included in this release. First support was added for loops in scripts. Second component libraries were created for use with FireWatir. This now allows AFTER to interact with Firefox.

Posted by Sergio 2007-04-27

Welcome Michael!!

Just a quick announcement to mention that today we are happy to welcome Michael Ilfrich to the development team. Michael will be trying to put together a UI for the scripts to make it a little easier to build them.

Posted by Sergio 2007-04-20

New Subprojects

Several new subprojects have been added to AFTER to track other projects that are tied in with AFTER. These include a UI so that test can be created, documentation, and adding to the two component libraries that currently come with AFTER.

Take a look under Tasks to see all the subprojects and if you are able to help out with any of them let us know. We can always use some good help.

Posted by Sergio 2007-04-10

0.1.2007.0329 Release - Updated

Starting with this release we will not only have available a windows installer but we will also make available a zip file so that our non windows friends can run the engine as long as their system can run Ruby.

Posted by Sergio 2007-03-29

0.1.2007.0329 Released

There was a need to refactor the engine to make it more testable so we were able to do that with this release. We also were able to create an architecture that now allows for tests to be written in any format as long as there is an associated ScriptReader to read the script and iterate over the test steps. Also we integrated log4r more extensively to provide more information while the engine is running.

Posted by Sergio 2007-03-29

0.1.2007.0320 Released.

Today we were able to make the first release for AFTER. Download it. Check it out. Let us know what you think. What can we fix? What can we improve? What would you like to see it do? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Posted by Sergio 2007-03-24

Welcome Ben!!

Just a quick announcement to mention that today we are happy to welcome Ben Monro to the development team.

Posted by Sergio 2007-03-20

Samples are Available

The samples have now been added to the SVN repository. In there you will find three sample test scripts and one sample exe. The WATIR samples will launch a browser and interact with it using the WATIR library for Ruby. The exe sample will open the sample exe application and interact with it.

Posted by Sergio 2007-03-12

Engine Files are available

Today we uploaded the first alpha version of the files. They include the core files needed to run the engine as well as two sets of libraries which can be used to drive either an Internet Explorer browser or a Windows Exe. They are still in alpha mode so please only view these as informational. They will work but the interface for the files is still being defined. We will also be putting up both, a sample of a test script and a bat file that would be used to start the engine, shortly.

Posted by Sergio 2007-03-12