
transfert very slow

  • ZeLegolas

    ZeLegolas - 2008-10-08

    I have connected TimeCapsule to my computer with an ethernet cable, I mounted a folder (/mnt/capsule) with mount_afp and I'm trying to create a big file (200GB) with truecrypt (/mnt/capsule/

    The speed is only 2.8 MB/s!!

    Is it possible to improve that?

    • ZeLegolas

      ZeLegolas - 2008-10-08

      With 2.8 MB/s it's will take almost 20 hours to create a truecrypt file 200GB!!!!!!

      • Alex deVries

        Alex deVries - 2008-10-08

        Yeah, that's pretty bad.

        I'm going to need some more information.  Can you following the instructions in the reporting bugs document?  I'll especially need the network dump of all the AFP traffic.

        The fix for it won't be simple.

        - Alex

        • Alex deVries

          Alex deVries - 2008-10-09

          Say, do you get any better performance when you use afpcmd to transfer the file?

          - A

        • ZeLegolas

          ZeLegolas - 2008-10-15

          Hi Alex
          Did you receive my email?
          I sended what you ask for.
          Let me know.

          - Ze.

        • ZeLegolas

          ZeLegolas - 2008-10-20

          Any news?

        • ZeLegolas

          ZeLegolas - 2008-10-31

          I just decide to sell my Time Capsule. It's very too slow with afpfs-ng on Linux not usable.
          If you want a network drive don't buy a Time Capsule it's just working well only for Mac.
          I spend many time also to try to install a ssh service without success.
          Time Capsule it's a good product but it's close product.


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