
Buildind the latest CVS under V.Studio.Net

  • George

    George - 2004-09-20

    I'm trying to build the latest cvs-source, but apparently the method
    bool intersectRect(const SDL_Rect& rect1, const SDL_Rect& rect2);
    found in aedRect.h is undefined, so the whole thing won't build. Am I doing something wrong? (I get an "Unresolved external symbol" error).

    • Rodrigo Hernandez

      The project is outdated, add the file aedRect.cpp to the source folder, you may have to also add opengl32.lib and glu32.lib to the linking options

    • George

      George - 2004-09-20

      thanks, I figured out that I had to add opengl32.lib and glu32.lib myself, but didn't notice there really was an aedRect.cpp file :)


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