
Convert Warp field NIFTI image to .mat transform

  • Zachary Greenberg


    I'd like to convert the warp field NIFTI image output by AntsRegistration to .mat format so I can apply it to a list of coordinates using antsApplyTransformsToPoints. Is this possible? If so which executable does the trick?

    Thanks for your help,

  • Nick Tustison

    Nick Tustison - 2015-07-02

    I'm having a hard time following. Perhaps there's a couple of incorrect assumptions. A .mat file is used to store the linear transforms whereas the nifti images are used to store the displacement fields. Both file types are readable by antsApplyTransformsToPoints.

  • Zachary Greenberg

    Ok, I tried applying the warp field from the output nifti volume and received the following error:

    $ANTSPATH/antsApplyTransformsToPoints -d 3 -i /path/to/points.csv -o points_warped.csv -t [/path/to/brain_InverseWarp.nii.gz, 1]

    Inverse does not exist for brain_InverseWarp.nii.gz
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    I was assuming from the instructions in the help, that we treat the transform the same way we would when trying to apply the affine from a .mat file (i.e., give it the inverse of the transform you want to apply). Am I mistaken there? or is there possibly something else going wrong?


    • stnava

      stnava - 2015-07-03

      You should not try to invert the inverse.
      On Jul 2, 2015 4:50 PM, "Zachary Greenberg" wrote:

      Ok, I tried applying the warp field from the output nifti volume and
      received the following error:

      $ANTSPATH/antsApplyTransformsToPoints -d 3 -i /path/to/points.csv -o
      points_warped.csv -t [/path/to/brain_InverseWarp.nii.gz, 1]

      Inverse does not exist for brain_InverseWarp.nii.gz
      Segmentation fault (core dumped)

      I was assuming from the instructions in the help, that we treat the
      transform the same way we would when trying to apply the affine from a .mat
      file (i.e., give it the inverse of the transform you want to apply). Am I
      mistaken there? or is there possibly something else going wrong?


      Convert Warp field NIFTI image to .mat transform

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      • Matt Leonard

        Matt Leonard - 2015-08-13

        I seem to be having the same issue, except I'm not using the InverseWarp:

        $ANTSPATH/antsApplyTransformsToPoints -d 3 -i elecs/hd_grid.csv -o elecs/hd_grid_warped.csv -t [fs_data/mri/brain_RAIdeformed.nii.gz ,1]

        Inverse does not exist for fs_data/mri/brain_RAIdeformed.nii.gz
        Segmentation fault (core dumped)

        Without the inverse flag, it runs successfully, but produces a very strange result (see attached image).



        EDIT: Sorry, I should also mention that I've tried using a variety of the non-linear transformations, including brain_RAIWarp.nii.gz. Still doesn't work with the inverse flag, and gives results that don't make sense without the flag.


        Last edit: Matt Leonard 2015-08-13
        • Nick Tustison

          Nick Tustison - 2015-08-13

          The inverse flag only works for linear transforms for which the inverse transform is easily calculated within antsApplyTransforms. The inverse field is not calculated for displacement field transforms on the fly within antsApplyTransforms. Presumably, if you calculated the forward transform using one of the invertible transform types in antsRegistration then you'd be able to specify the inverse transform directly, i.e. antsApplyTransforms ... -t fs_data/mri/brain_RAIdeformedInverse.nii.gz.

          (In responding to this example, I'm assuming that the file fs_data/mri/brain_RAIdeformed.nii.gz is actually a warp field although it doesn't conform to ANTs naming conventions.)

          • Matt Leonard

            Matt Leonard - 2015-08-13

            OK, I see, that makes sense.

            So does it make sense to apply the deformed.nii.gz warp field to a set of points? When I actually view the nii volume, it looks a lot like the template I'm trying to warp to, but maybe I'm just not clear on how to apply the transform to a set of voxel coordinates in the original volume.

            I appreciate your help answering this question.


            • stnava

              stnava - 2015-08-13

              the chicken example previously referenced tries to make it clear.

              any suggestions on improving it would be welcome.

              but what i usually find in answering this type of question is that the
              example often goes unread.

              basically, to warp points, you use the inverse of the transformations
              that you would apply to images.

              but you have to define the points in the ITK image space for this to work

              if your selected transformation model does not have an inverse (e.g.
              elastic) then you can't apply it to points. at least not with ants.


              On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 5:53 PM, Matt Leonard

              OK, I see, that makes sense.

              So does it make sense to apply the deformed.nii.gz warp field to a set of
              points? When I actually view the nii volume, it looks a lot like the
              template I'm trying to warp to, but maybe I'm just not clear on how to
              apply the transform to a set of voxel coordinates in the original volume.

              I appreciate your help answering this question.


              Convert Warp field NIFTI image to .mat transform

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              • Matt Leonard

                Matt Leonard - 2015-08-17

                I had stepped through the chicken example, and got it to work with the affine transform, but I'm having trouble applying the SyN warp to my actual points.

                I just tried a test where I selected a single point in the original volume and tried to apply the various combinations of the affine and warp to that point.

                The end result is that regardless of parameters (inverse, affine vs. no affine, etc), it does not appear that antsApplyTransformsToPoints does anything to the single point with the warp. It does an affine transform if I apply it, but the coordinates of the point are identical with the warp vs. no warp.

                I've checked that the warp field works for the volume using antsApplyTransforms, and the warp field itself actually has data in it, so my question is how to use that warp on points.

                We are using LPS coordinates in the volume space, so that shouldn't be a problem.

                • stnava

                  stnava - 2015-08-17

                  if that is the case, then you are making some mistake.

                  since you already read the chicken example, i've updated it further to use
                  deformable mapping along with affine. keep in mind that, in the world of
                  ITK and ANTs, the same code is used to transform points as is used for
                  images. so if you can map images, you can map points.




                  On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 2:29 PM, Matt Leonard

                  I had stepped through the chicken example, and got it to work with the
                  affine transform, but I'm having trouble applying the SyN warp to my actual

                  I just tried a test where I selected a single point in the original volume
                  and tried to apply the various combinations of the affine and warp to that

                  The end result is that regardless of parameters (inverse, affine vs. no
                  affine, etc), it does not appear that antsApplyTransformsToPoints does
                  anything to the single point with the warp. It does an affine transform if
                  I apply it, but the coordinates of the point are identical with the warp
                  vs. no warp.

                  I've checked that the warp field works for the volume using
                  antsApplyTransforms, and the warp field itself actually has data in it, so
                  my question is how to use that warp on points.

                  We are using LPS coordinates in the volume space, so that shouldn't be a

                  Convert Warp field NIFTI image to .mat transform

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  • Zachary Greenberg

    ok, another question: I've almost got this working but I'm running into the issue of mapping between LPS coordinates, and the LPS coordinates that ANTS is expecting...

    So I know that in Slicer's LPS coordinates one of my voxels is
    73.00000953, 157.0000032 , 150.99999258

    and using ANTs imagemath and labelstats on a volume with that coordinate as a 1, I can see that ANTs thinks this coordinate is

    another example pair
    Slicer LPS
    75.00000941, 157.00000326, 154.99999259
    ANTs LPS

    So I tried applying the difference between the first pair to all coordinates in my Slicer LPS matrix, but I don't think that is representing scaling correctly (i.e., there's a different Slicer LPS-ANTS LPS difference between the two pairs above).

    So my question is: how do I correctly extract the transformation (translation, rotation, and scaling) from my Slicer LPS coordinates to the LPS ANTS is expecting?

    Let me know if this is not making sense.
    Thanks for your help.

    • stnava

      stnava - 2015-07-21

      lots of discussion of this type of thing on source forge discussion site.

      also, see:

      use snap to define landmarks etc.


      On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 4:15 PM, Zachary Greenberg

      ok, another question: I've almost got this working but I'm running into
      the issue of mapping between LPS coordinates, and the LPS coordinates that
      ANTS is expecting...

      So I know that in Slicer's LPS coordinates one of my voxels is
      73.00000953, 157.0000032 , 150.99999258

      and using ANTs imagemath and labelstats on a volume with that coordinate
      as a 1, I can see that ANTs thinks this coordinate is

      another example pair
      Slicer LPS
      75.00000941, 157.00000326, 154.99999259
      ANTs LPS

      So I tried applying the difference between the first pair to all
      coordinates in my Slicer LPS matrix, but I don't think that is representing
      scaling correctly (i.e., there's a different Slicer LPS-ANTS LPS difference
      between the two pairs above).

      So my question is: how do I correctly extract the transformation
      (translation, rotation, and scaling) from my Slicer LPS coordinates to the
      LPS ANTS is expecting?

      Let me know if this is not making sense.
      Thanks for your help.

      Convert Warp field NIFTI image to .mat transform

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