
Limited CLX comms with 3.94 but same action in 3.70 works great

  • rk1572

    rk1572 - 2014-12-22

    I made one indicator and it worked in 3.94. I made sixty more and it did not work. I could not see an issue nor could my colleague. He added the same items to his version (3.6X) and it worked well. I downloaded 3.70 and rebuilt it and it works.

    For me, this is still a great product, I just want to give you that feedback so you can correct it or possibly tell me what has changed so what I am now doing wrong.

  • Archie

    Archie - 2014-12-23

    When you say "it did not work", what do you get? Any errors?

    BTW, you may want to post on the dedicated forum on the AdvancedHMI web site, it's checked more often and has more users, so you may get faster responses.

    • rk1572

      rk1572 - 2014-12-23

      The status would start at a random state and not update except for the first basic indicator I made. I recreated the project in 2.70 and it appears to work perfectly. I am running Visual Studio 2013. I bet others likely know what was added in the newer versions and perhaps there is something I did not set. I will join the forumn on the AdvancedHMI site because this product of yours really is a winner.


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