

  • Jgreeno

    Jgreeno - 2007-07-19

    How can I get LDAP with PHP support?
    I've un-remmed the ldap line in PHP.ini and still get nothing..
    I've read the article at and copied the requisite files to the Windows/system32 folder.
    Do have to go through the trouble of compiling PHP myself to do this?
    Is there a place where I can get php.exe already compiled with LDAP support?


    SQL Version      MYSQL (5.0.37-community-nt)
    PHP Version     5.2.1 (apache2handler) ( PHP INFO )

    • Wiggum

      Wiggum - 2007-09-12

      No, php-ldap on windows should be as simple as uncommenting the line in php.ini and restarting the apache service.

      • Jgreeno

        Jgreeno - 2007-09-14

        Tried it.. Also copied files according to and have verified that I have the right DLLs.. Everything I've read seems to point to having to compile PHP by hand to enable LDAP support, which really sucks..

      • Jgreeno

        Jgreeno - 2007-11-13

        I have verified that I have php_ldap.dll in my ext folder and that extension=php_ldap.dll is uncommented in my php.ini. I still get nothing.

        What version of php/apache are you running?

    • Wiggum

      Wiggum - 2007-11-13

      The php installer doesn't install the modules by default. You need to manually select them in the wizard, and the installer will activate them in php.ini. It does work on windows, I'm using it in production now :)


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