
#111 Serbian on external dialogs

UI (13)

This is a patch for Serbian translation on 5 dialogs which are not included in standard translation procedure through DB and XML files. It provides translation on setup, login, db, test and server config screens.

The patch is based on root of 3.4.0 tag, but as these files should be new in the repository they could be applied to trunk as well.



  • Nikola Petkov

    Nikola Petkov - 2008-12-05

    Serbian additional Java related translations

  • Trifon (An ADempiere founder)

    • assigned_to: nobody --> trifonnt
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Nikola Petkov

    Nikola Petkov - 2008-12-05

    Hey Trifon,

    I know that this is not a place to post such a comment, but I have to ask:

    How can I upload the alpha language pack of Serbia - it will be available soon?

    What else can I do with my Translator role?

    I was trying to find some documentation on subject, but without any luck :(
    Can you point me, please?

    Thanks neighbour,

  • Trifon (An ADempiere founder)

    Commited with SVN Revision: 7486

    >How can I upload the alpha language pack of Serbia - it will be available
    >What else can I do with my Translator role?

    Translatorors usaaly have commit rights for SVN Server: /contributions/Localizations/..
    Do you have SVN Commit rights?

    Could you please check(trunk) if commited by my files are ok and if Serbian Language is ok?

    Kind regards,

  • Nikola Petkov

    Nikola Petkov - 2008-12-07

    Hi Trifon,

    I tried to create /contributions/Localizations/Serbia remote directory even before, but it was the same as now - I don't have such rights. So currently I keep some code on lsr (Adempiere Serbian Localization) project at SourceForge. We have some code related to auto translating AD XML files by using Google Translate tool to Serbian and later we're just correcting those translations.

    Also, we'll have initial alpha version of Serbian language pack - zip which could be uploaded with other countries language packs, so this is the second thing I wanted to do - can you help us?

    I checked your latest commit - looks fine to me.


  • Trifon (An ADempiere founder)

    Hi Nikola,

    please point a place from where i can get Serbian translation files and i will commit them in Ademepire SVN under contributions/Localization/Serbia.

    Second option is to attach tranlation files as zip file to this request.

    Kind regards,

  • Nikola Petkov

    Nikola Petkov - 2008-12-24
    • status: pending-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Nikola Petkov

    Nikola Petkov - 2008-12-24

    Hi Trifon,

    Sorry for my late response. Our project of Serbian translation is located at, so you can download from here - the latest and the only current version of Serbian translation.



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