
Costing Method not Supported

siva kumar
  • siva kumar

    siva kumar - 2010-04-06

    Hi, All
    I am facing a costing problem in Adempiere 354a

    After Completing the Manufacturing Order , In Order Receipt & Issue when  Generate Issue  I am facing the problem like   " Costing method not supported - I " .

    and one more is,  When I select Delivery Rule as "Only Receipt" , some fields values are displayed and some fields values  are not displayed..

    Please, give me help.

    Thanks & Regards

  • Victor Perez Juarez

    Hi Siva!

    Currently ADempiere Manufacturing functionality only implement the standard costing method, so you need change the method costing into the account schema.

    kind regards
    Victor Perez

  • siva kumar

    siva kumar - 2010-04-07

    Hi Victor,

    Thanks for your reply..I changed the Costing Method as " Standard Costing " in Account Schema..Now it is OK..I added another 3 fields in Order Receipt & Issue.when I generate Issue it shows the Error like " Index 5, Size:5 ". Please give me help…

    Thanks & Regards..

  • iori

    iori - 2010-05-10


    I've encountered an error after changing the costing method to Standard.
    This is the error:

    * Not found * M_Cost_ID - AcctSchema[1000000-CFM US/A/US Dollar], MCostElement[1000000-Standard Costing,Type=M,Method=S]

    What does this mean? I cannot find any forum that answers this question.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Teo Sarca

    Teo Sarca - 2010-05-10


    In that case, you will need to run Manufacturing Management -> Standard Costing Management -> Create Element process that will create all need cost records (M_Cost).
    In order to have proper costing setup for manufacturing, we need to have one M_Cost record for each cost dimension that we use (cost dimension = combination of product, org, acct schema, cost element, cost type).

    Best regards,
    Teo Sarca

  • iori

    iori - 2010-05-11


    I've tried what you suggested and had a result of Created#1/2
    Then I tried Order Receipt & Issue again, and still end up with same problem.

    What do you think happened?
    Just in case this did something; I used a 3rd party program to help me load all products in product table, for the mandatory fields I used the IDs of records I created in ADempiere. It was successful. Based on your explanation, do you think this also created a problem? All I did was insert records from excel in ADempiere database, unless upon creation of products there are costs that are also being created.

    Thanks in advance again!


  • iori

    iori - 2010-05-11

    To add:

    I tried creating a new product not using that 3rd party software (an ETL, which directly inserts to M_Product)
    And it works, so i'm positive that in the process of creating a product, it also creates a record related to M_Cost,
    what kind of process is that so I can populate that too.

    Thanks a lot!


  • Teo Sarca

    Teo Sarca - 2010-05-11


    When using ETL to insert/update directly in adempiere tables you must know everything what is behind because you are working directly in the heart of the system.
    A safer approach but not so fast is to use ETL to insert data into your import product table (I_Product) and use the adempiere process to import those records to M_Product table.

    Now back to your issue, please try to run that Create Cost Elements process and give proper process parameters (e.g.the product with issues/problem, the required organization, costing element etc). It should work.
    Technical: If u still have problems, then maybe you will get a quick guide if you investigate the code from org.eevolution.process.CreateCostElement.doIt()… maybe some breakpoints will help.

    Best regards,
    Teo Sarca


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