
Release 380 - Community Testing

  • mckayERP

    mckayERP - 2014-04-11

    Dear ADempiere Community Members,

    On behalf of the Technical and Functional Teams, I am happy to announce the start of community testing of ADempiere Release 3.8.0. A large number of developers and companies have contributed some fantastic new features to Release 3.8.0. Many thanks to Adaxa, e-Evolution, Metas, and Walkingtree for their contributions as well as all the members of the ADempiere Technical and Functional teams. Of special note, thanks to Victor Perez of e-Evolution, Steve Sackett of Adaxa and Mario Calderon of Westfalia for driving the release development. Suman Ravuri of Walkingtree acted as the release manager. Also a special thanks to Paul Aviles of Nickel Networks for the donated test servers and his effort in setting them up.

    Release 3.8.0 is an exciting improvement to ADempiere with the integration of a number of major contributions from key developers including:

    • Integration of the Mobile User Interface
    • Sales Management (CRM) to manage leads and opportunities
    • The full inclusion of Libero Manufacturing and Human Resources
    • Forecast and Cashflow Management
    • A new costing engine
    • Smart browser capabilities

    And there is much more. You can read the full list here: and you can see it in action on one of the donated servers (Thanks to Nickel Networks):

    We now need your help with the testing. Specifically, we need help with the following:

    • Testing of the new features
    • Development of test cases and new demo data
    • Development of repeatable Sahi tests
    • Updates to the wiki and documentation

    To get involved, please see the following links:

    If you’d like to learn about Sahi and automated web testing, please see

    More detailed coordination and communication of the tests will be provided through the Source Forge forums over the next few days. Jira ( will be the bug tracker.

    The test effort is now underway and will continue until we are comfortable with the performance of the application and the new features. Through our combined efforts, we can ensure a high-quality product is released for use by companies around the world. We really do need your initiative and help to identify problems and solve them.

    On behalf of the Technical and Functional teams, thanks in advance for your contribution and support for this release.

  • Colin Rooney

    Colin Rooney - 2014-04-12

    Well done to all involved, I know it was a huge effort this last year to get so much additional functionality integrated and working together. After a long hiatus for the project, this will, hopefully, be the first of many regular releases to come.

    The inclusion of the test servers is a great idea that should make it easy for anyone and everyone to help in the final testing.

    Congratulations again to all and while he didn't include himself in the list I know Michael too put a great effort into getting this version to where it is.


  • bma99

    bma99 - 2014-04-12

    Great news!

    but try to login to, got error:

    HTTP Status 500 -


  • mckayERP

    mckayERP - 2014-04-13

    Hi bma99,

    The server is updated regularly as new commits are made. If you get an error like that, please wait a bit and try again. Paul Aviles is making every effort to keep the server up-to-date and running.



  • Catura AG

    Catura AG - 2014-04-14

    Congratulations from us too. I know how much workload you put in these release. Tx to all participants.
    We will start testing and report back the results.

  • Luis Betanzo

    Luis Betanzo - 2014-04-23

    Hi Michael I would like to help with the testing process so I try what you suggest:
    •Provide bug reports •Create a Jira account if you don’t already have one:
    but there is no way I can créate an account the message goes like ask your administrator to créate you user and password.

    Can you help me and tell me what do I have to do to be able to login in Jira

    Thanks Luis Betanzo

  • Victor Perez Juarez

    Hola Luis!

    Please Can you send me your email, I can send you a invite user.

    kind regards

  • Albin

    Albin - 2014-04-24

    Good Afternoon,
    I'd like to help testing the new Adempiere Release, but can't access Jira. Could you help me please ?

    • mckayERP

      mckayERP - 2014-04-24

      Hi Albin,

      I've created a user for you and you should receive an invite through your
      Source Forge account e-mail.

      Let me know if you have any issues.


      From: Albin []
      Sent: April-24-14 7:03
      To: [adempiere:discussion]
      Subject: [adempiere:discussion] Release 380 - Community Testing

      Good Afternoon,
      I'd like to help testing the new Adempiere Release, but can't access Jira.
      Could you help me please ?

      Release 380 - Community Testing t=25#da49

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      • Albin

        Albin - 2014-04-24

        Thank you Michael,
        I checked my mail box (and spam box) but didn't get your email. Any idea ?


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