
Advance received from customer in Cash

  • Harsahda Sawant

    Harsahda Sawant - 2012-11-06


    How do i make entry in adempiere in case of advance received from customer as we can not allocated the cash receipt with invoices in Payment Allocation. Plz help me

  • Colin Rooney

    Colin Rooney - 2012-11-06

    You can register the payment without allocating it to anything.
    Then later when the Sales Order/Invoice are entered you can allocate one against the other. 
    In the mean time your BP account will be in Credit (instead of the more typical Debit).


  • Harsahda Sawant

    Harsahda Sawant - 2012-11-06

    Hi Colin,thanks for the reply  I think I failed to explain my question, My problem is if it is bank receipt I can adjust the advance by using payment allocation window but what if i received the payment in cash and later on I want to adjust it against any invoice. I mean advance is received In cash so in cash journal there is nothing to indicate it as prepayment nor there any cash type to use in case of prepayment. We can not even Allocate the payment later on in payment allocation window bcz we do not find cash records in payment allocation window.

  • Colin Rooney

    Colin Rooney - 2012-11-06

    I think most people lean towards the using the CASH_AS_PAYMENT configuration switch to manage cash payments
    I never actually tested this - so do test it first (from reading the wiki page best to check the accounting is as you expect too!).

    Assuming it works, I guess would address your problem, or not?



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