
ADempiere @ Financial Intuitions (MFI)

  • Peter Shepetko

    Peter Shepetko - 2012-02-19

    Dear community,

    We are looking for ADempiere specialist or Company who has an experience implementation of the ADempiere in  Financial Institution ( preferably in Micro Finance Institution).

    Peter Shepetko

  • Alok Ranjan

    Alok Ranjan - 2012-02-19

    We are Adempiere expert and we have experience in creating software solution for financial institution. However, we haven't used Adempiere for such project.

    We will be happy to assist in case you need our help.

  • Peter Shepetko

    Peter Shepetko - 2012-02-19

    Dear Alok ,

    We are interesting in Implementation of the Adempiere for MFIs or basicaly in any type of Financial Institutions with CREDITS and DEPOSITS.

    Pease contact us  and give your Skype, tel and e-mail. 

    Peter Shepetko

  • Trifon (An ADempiere founder)

    Hi Peter,

    before 5 years when i started working with Compiere one of my first projects was customization of Compiere for small financial company.

    It was Russian company operating in Cyprus. Company received money from customers, managed the money and give back interest rates.
    In Compiere we were recording receiving of money, payments interest rates. I have created monthly process to calculate interest rate of each account and to send via email statement of account to each customer.


  • Peter Shepetko

    Peter Shepetko - 2012-02-24

    Dear Trifon,

    Can we see how this product is working directly in client environment ?



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