
Netbeans classpath problem I found

  • William G. Heath

    Hi All,

    I was testing the 2pack functionality and found that xercesImpl.jar was not in the classpath of the netbeans project file in trunk.  Someone might want to fix that.  I also added a link to some electronic flash cards I made to help me to study and learn development in adempiere at:

    Thanks Red1!

    I am excited to get started on libero migration, can anyone point me in a direction to begin that?

    • Redhuan D. Oon

      Redhuan D. Oon - 2006-12-16

      Hi Tim,
      I was in the irc room when you came across the above classpath problem. It was Carlos Ruiz who assisted u in the solution:

      (20:35:00) xp_prg: CarlosRuiz can you help me with a 2pack problem please?
      (20:35:25) CarlosRuiz: which file are you playing with?
      (20:35:48) xp_prg:
      (20:36:08) xp_prg: 17:19:26.243 PackIn.importXML: starting [19]
      (20:36:08) xp_prg: Exception in thread "Thread-5" javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider

      org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl could not be instantiated: java.lang.NullPointerException
      (20:36:08) xp_prg:         at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance(
      (20:36:08) xp_prg:         at org.compiere.PackOut.IntPackIn.importXML(
      (20:36:08) xp_prg:         at org.compiere.PackOut.IntPackIn.doIt(
      (20:36:09) xp_prg:         at org.compiere.process.SvrProcess.process(
      (20:36:11) xp_prg:         at org.compiere.process.SvrProcess.startProcess(
      (20:36:13) xp_prg:         at org.compiere.apps.ProcessCtl.startProcess(
      (20:36:15) xp_prg:         at
      (20:36:55) xp_prg: CarlosRuiz why do you think that is happening?
      (20:38:44) CarlosRuiz: are you running that inside eclipse or netbeans?
      (20:39:31) xp_prg: netbeans
      (20:40:04) CarlosRuiz: maybe you don't have xercesImpl.jar in your classpath
      (20:42:32) xp_prg: ok I will try to see into that
      (20:55:50) xp_prg: yes it is not in my classpath
      (20:55:52) xp_prg: how do I add it?
      (21:05:25) xp_prg: figured it out

      U shuld give credit to him too.

      About Libero, u can look up the older threads and its titled about migrating to Adempiere 310. To me this task is really very complex even for me. I m more impressed with u doing flash cards. I think its important and u can excel in that and help lots of users that way. U can ask Victor to assign another person to the Libero project. Perhaps later u can pick up when u know more. :D

    • William G. Heath

      I appreciate that Red1 and also appreciate Carlos Ruiz's help.  It wasn't actually a bug per se, but the fact that I did not save the record before doing the 2pack import.  It might be nice to have a message saying that the record is not saved, would you like to save it before importing.  As far as working on flash cards instead of Libero, I am committed to the libero integration into adempiere.  I don't want to work on anything else in a major way.  I will shortly know enough to begin this in earnest in my opinion, but I appreciate your suggestion.


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