
#209 Mobile UI


A browser-based UI designed for use on smart phones.

Based on the original compiere web interface using the IUI javascript library to give a iphone style interface suitable for use in webkit based browsers (tested on iphone and android).

Announcement and documentation to follow. Code is provided as attached patch until we get hg repository access sorted out.


  • Paul Bowden (Adaxa)

    Note that only viewing and editing data in AD defined windows is currently tested and working.

    Reports and processes will be shown on the menu but are not completely functional (e.g. parameters are currently not being passed correctly and the UI is incomplete). Special forms and pop-up field types (e.g. locator, account combinations) etc. have not been implemented except for table lookups and dates.


    ADAXA - 2011-08-04

    Hi .. the log shows the mobile phone UI patch file was deleted by mgrigioni .. accidental? intentional?

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-08-05

    It must have been an accident. A lost in translation case i would say. He must have clicked on 'Delete' thinking it sounds like 'TakeIt".

  • Paul Bowden (Adaxa)

    Gathering bugs reported in forum thread:

    from genied:
    - the bottom bar with the Edit button is scrolling with the other page elements whereas in Chrome it stay fixed, (could be related to the OS version).
    RESPONSE The bottom bar is a "position: fixed" element which some mobile browsers don't support. See Apparently it should work for iOS5 and above so we probably won't try to work around it.

    - if insert a new invoice record after I choose the Business Partner the location box did not refresh (tested also in Chrome). I also tried to modify a BP and if I thick the customer checkbox the related fields are not displayed.
    - The calendar show up in the uppermost left corner far from the field I tapped in (actually out of my view, I had to scroll up to see it).
    - There is no Print button, to print the current record, nor Delete button

    from scheeri:
    In Sales Order window - Orde Line tab I changed quantity from 1 to 71. Before change the Line net amount was 47500, equal with price. After change&save the Line net amount left 47500 instead of 3.372.500. I tried to refresh this line , but it shows 47500 again.
    RESPONSE: callouts and dynamic display/validation are not supported (though the line net amount should have been recalculated when the save occurred?).

    I was testing at and some reports is not runing, example: - Monthly Invoice (Invoice Inquire) - Storage detail (Material managment) Is this a bug..? Fercho.
    RESPONSE: selection list parameters are not being handled correctly. Code patch to follow.

    I am testing this on my workstation and the search doesn't return any products when I am in physical inventory -> inventory count -- scottyf11

    I tested MobileUI and found two bags(maybe): 1)Report created (pdf) but data aren't in this report - only title
    RESPONSE: as for fercho?
    2) MobileUI don't support Russian, Ukraine Language - main menu is error. --pshepetko

    we are testing , when navigate to Business Partner and go to Edit record, save record without anything change, after this action "all checkbox" get a True value automatically, e.g istaxexempt field. -- glapmigue
    RESPONSE: Will review

  • Pablo

    Pablo - 2012-10-13

    Hi, I want to customize the code of MobileUI feature, to fix a bug and contribute.

    I need help to configure the build file on Eclipse to generate the war file, only this, because the configuration that I do, doesn't work.

    How I customize and build this feature?



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