
#2684 BOM Type MTO: SO Close button Bug

Order (SO) (47)

Hi Victor,

More bugs on libero MRP with BOM type MTO!

Today I discovered yet another strange behavior with MRP. I believe this happens only with MTO BOM types and strongly feel this has to do something with the code that happens after completing/closing a SO and MRP is triggered. Ok so here’s the problem:

I start with my product info for patio chair as follows (Patio chair BOM type= MTO)
Available=10 On hand=10
Reserved=0 Ordered Qty=0

I place a SO for 4 patio chairs and as soon as I complete the SO a MO is triggered for the same qty. Thus my product info reflects as:
Available=6 On hand=10
Reserved=4 Ordered Qty=4

Now I decided to VOID my MO and after voiding MO I get “Quantity” column in MO as ZERO and product info as:
Available=6 On hand=10
Reserved=4 Ordered Qty=0

At this stage I decided to go ahead and CLOSE my SO as well. To my surprise I found out as soon as I CLOSE the SO, the “Quantity” column in my above MO (which was voided earlier) updated with my SO Quantity =4.
Thus I got my product info as:
Available=10 On hand=10
Reserved=0 Ordered Qty=4

I went ahead and tried different combinations of VOID and CLOSE between my MO and SO and I got even stranger results.

Observation 1 :
If I would have “DELETED” the MO (in progress MO) instead of VOID and then went and CLOSED the SO, A NEW MO was created with the SO Quantity!

Observation 2:
The system works fine if I were to VOID my SO instead of CLOSE.

Observation 3:
If I had infact completed my MO in proper manner (Complete MO and Issue and Receipt) and then CLOSE my MO, the Quantity Column in MO still remains with my initial ordered quantity, and thus reflect in Product window under the “Ordered Qty” Column. Since this MO is now in CLOSE, I cannot go and change the “Quantity” column manually too and thus it remains in Product Info LIFETIME!!

Observation 4:
It makes no sense in going and updating a MO which is already in VOID status (In the case of updating the “quantity” column).

Please let me know if more clarifications are needed in regards to this.




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