
iPAQ compatibility?

  • Stanislaw Pusep

    Stanislaw Pusep - 2004-10-06

    Any idea if actual acx100 driver works on HP iPAQ 4355 models which are ARM and have Texas Instruments TNETW1100b?

    • Andreas Mohr

      Andreas Mohr - 2004-10-07

      It should be completely ready to work (we have x86, PPC and AMD64 support, at least; and even MIPS IIRC) ...unless the chip is being interfaced in a very uncommon way. Maybe we actually need to implement 8bit I/O support in our driver or so then...
      I'm very interested in any test results.

    • Stanislaw Pusep

      Stanislaw Pusep - 2004-10-07

      Great news! AFAIK, iPAQ's ACX100 is interfaced through PCMCIA bus. I'll try to install Linux on my PDA as soon as serial cable needed for that arrives, so I'll post results :)

      • Andreas Mohr

        Andreas Mohr - 2004-10-07

        Again, I'm very interested in that, so I'd definitely do some driver tweakings to get it to run... if not even buy that iPAQ myself ;-)
        PCMCIA? More like CF, right? In this case it'd be 16bit I/O, IIRC...
        (which is supported already!)

    • Stanislaw Pusep

      Stanislaw Pusep - 2004-10-09

      Here's a Wiki page about Linux'ing PDA devices similar to mine:
      They even put reference to ACX100 project but I found no testimonials about (un)successfull usage...

    • Stanislaw Pusep

      Stanislaw Pusep - 2004-10-10

      Wow, with some help I've found Linux PCMCIA module for iPAQ:
      Comments from source even says it's supposed to work with 802.11 cards :D


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