
#21 Application_ChangedTrack not firing


I have a startup script running (startup_listento.vbs) that relies on Application_ChangedTrack and it doesn't seem to fire.

The script is shown as loaded and running in the 'loaded scripts' window, and the code is sound as I have a clone (without Sub Application_ChangedTrack and End Sub around the changed track code) in the playlist section and it works perfectly. I have also created a small startup_temp.vbs that simply does a msgbox "hi!" on Application_ChangedTrack and this also doesn't work.

The plugin used to work fine, then I updated my Winamp version (minor, not major) and it no longer works but only in this respect. Everything else works perfectly fine, startup scripts fire if I just have msgbox "hi!" in a startup script, it's JUST Application_ChangedTrack that doesn't fire. Oh and it happened when I was using the old 1.0 version but I've since updated my gen_activewa.dll from the CVS many times (including today and it still won't work).

Now the problem gets freakier... It occasionally WILL fire, and it's totally random when it will. Sometimes it's months, sometimes weeks, sometimes days, and sometime two songs in a row. Usually it's a few days to a month.

This is 100% reproducible by me but I've asked on the forums and no-one else seems to have this problem at all, so I doubt it would be reproducible by anyone else.

Here are the dates it's fired since the problem started happening (bearing in mind I listen to music very regularly):

08 Apr 2006 02:49:40 am // working
08 Apr 2006 02:54:46 am // working
08 Apr 2006 03:00:18 am // working
29 Apr 2006 04:08:41 pm // stopped working!
29 Apr 2006 04:29:14 pm
11 May 2006 04:48:25 pm
14 May 2006 04:47:01 pm
15 May 2006 02:06:04 am
15 May 2006 02:18:05 am
24 Jul 2006 02:51:29 pm
21 Aug 2006 08:44:03 pm
27 Aug 2006 02:23:55 am
21 Sep 2006 06:09:34 pm
24 Sep 2006 07:01:02 pm
27 Sep 2006 10:35:28 pm
20 Oct 2006 06:01:29 am
01 Nov 2006 04:42:56 pm
03 Nov 2006 04:13:31 pm
03 Nov 2006 05:19:39 pm
18 Nov 2006 04:41:57 pm

Sorry if I've been amazingly verbose, and I doubt anything can actually be done to help, but I thought I'd put it out there.


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