Ramblin - 2014-11-07

I am running ActivaTSP on a 64b Windows 7 PC running Outlook 2010
I am connecting to an Asterisk server running Asterisk 1.8 with Aastra 57i phones connected

When I right-click on an Outlook contact and select Call it allows me to select the phone number to call (Mobile, Work, Home, ...) and when I click the Start Call button it rings my Aastra phone. When I take the Aastra phone off-hook, the call is made to the selected number.

Great - so far so good.

However ...

The extension I am connecting to on the Aastra is configured so that when I call from that extension, it uses a specified outgoing trunk with a specified Caller ID (my business line). The extension does properly use the specified Outgoing trunk and Caller ID when I manually call from that extension.

Unfortunately, even though it does connect the extension, the outgoing trunk and the Caller ID shown is my Home line - not what I want.

It seems as though Activa TSP is calling the outside line, calling the extension and then joining them internally. It is NOT acting like it is calling from the extension and therefore is NOT using the specified outgoing trunk (business line).

Is there a way I can configure ActivaTSP so it always will use a designated ougoing trunk?

If yes,. can you walk me thought how please?
