
Achaean Curing System (ACS) / News: Recent posts

Seeking documentation

We are currently seeking excited people to help with documenting and testing ACS2. Please send an email to the project admins if you are interested, message them in-game, or via

Posted by Alex Hardman 2008-10-31

New code

I've begun making some serious modifications to the system. I've started including Keldar's flc package as a requirement as it provides a better interface for several functions (such as world.Note). It's all been moved to SVN for tracking and management. I'll probably build a release in a few days/weeks when it's put together better. Combat aspects have not been reviewed yet, so don't expect much there.

Posted by Alex Hardman 2008-10-21

Hello all

I'm glad to be a part of this project. Hopefully I'm going to be able to start putting some serious work into this system. Feel free to send me any requests or bugs you may have found.

Posted by Alex Hardman 2008-10-17

New Developer

I've added sunflame as a new developer and manager, he'll be taking over and may drag the ACS2 out of inactivity.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-10-16

ACS 2.0 Released

The ACS 2.0 has exited beta, and has been released. Submit bug reports and suggestions here. Hope y'all enjoy, -Tsunami

Posted by Anonymous 2006-09-16

ACS2 Beta

The ACS2 beta is available from me, and is on CVS here on sourceforge, though not as a download yet. If you want the beta, email me at tsunami.gautama (at)

Posted by Anonymous 2006-09-11

Working on ACS 2.0

I'm currently working on version two. At the moment there are two basic versions of 2.0. A basic which operates in a not as efficient, but much easier to understand and adapt, and the custom version. No ETA as of yet, because I'm going dormant for a bit.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-06-16

ACS 1.2.2

ACS 1.2.2 has been released. I believe this release is finally the most complete. Most importantly, I've completely overhauled the documentation, which should make a great deal more sense. As always, lemme know if improvements are needed.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-05-09

ACS 1.2

Is out, with some improvements, take a look at the release notes to see what.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-04-11

ACS 1.1

ACS 1.1 has been released early for testing. Many bugfixes additions, most notably with recklessness detection and mangled head/torso curing. Enjoy!

Posted by Anonymous 2006-03-24

Looking for Coders

If you have experience with Lua and MUSHClient, how'd you like to help me code? Send me an email (you can find it in the download documentation) and I'd be glad to have you helping me.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-03-22

ACS 1.0

I have released ACS 1.0 for your pleasure. Mostly superficial, but very necessary changes. I've started writing the development and help files, but they only contain the very basics. Still, should be enough to get you started with some imagination.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-03-22

New SourceForge Site

Well, I finally got SourceForge up and running to make this a bit more efficient. I'll get the plugins up as soon as possible.

In the mean time, I am still looking for developers to help me. Experience with Lua and MUSHclient is necessary, and I'll look forward to working with you.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-11-17