
Ace Operator - Virtual contact center / News: Recent posts

Ace Operator 2.1.0 Released

February 24, 2013. Many new features including improved support for mobile devices, file sharing and more.

We are pleased to announce the release of Ace Operator 2.1.0. Ace Operator 2.1.0 is a stable software that has been running in our hosted environment for more than a few weeks. In this release we mainly focused on improving support for mobile and tablet devices. Ace Operator has been fully tested on iPhone, iPad and Android devices. We have also added features like file sharing, configurable avatars, black list and much more. For a full list of features, click here. In addition, we have fixed many issues found by the user community. To find out more about the issues we fixed, click here. In the coming releases, you will see further improvements to the mobile support and integration with other applications.... read more

Posted by Amit Chatterjee 2013-02-24

Ace Operator 2.0.0 Released

September 1, 2012.

We are pleased to announce the release of Ace Operator 2.0.0 (V.2). Ace Operator V.2 is a stable software that has been running in our hosted environment for more than six months. This release is a result of years of requests from the user community to modernize the software. In this version, we have introduced a brand new user interface, added initial support for mobile devices, introduced a firewall and proxy friendly communications protocol, improved on the installation procedure and upgraded all the underlying technologies to use the latest and greatest. If you have used the earlier versions of Ace Operator, you will notice that the system looks, feels and behaves very differently. In spite all the changes, we have still retained the core software that handled the chat sessions and the user interface for system administrators because of its maturity and stability. What you get with Ace Operator V.2 is a stable software with modern look and feel. For the coming months and years, we have a great road map for the software with more features yet to come.... read more

Posted by Amit Chatterjee 2012-09-01

Ace Operator 1.7.0 released - Now available in Croatian


August 15, 2009
Raleigh, NC

QUIK Computing is pleased to announce the stable release of Ace Operator 1.7.0. Ace Operator is now available in Croatian language (hrvatski). As a part of this effort, we have switched the frameworks to use UTF-8 encoding. This will make it easier to support East European and Asian languages. In addition, the mail service can now SSL connections. A number of bugs have been fixed and minor enhancements have been made.... read more

Posted by Amit Chatterjee 2009-08-15

Ace Operator 1.6.0 released - Enhancement & Bugfix release


November 23, 2008
Raleigh, NC

QUIK Computing is pleased to announce the production release of Ace Operator 1.6.0. The new release is compatible with recent versions of Java, Tomcat and MySQL, and it has been tested on CentOS 5.2 (RHEL 5 equivalent) and Windows Vista. The release contains a minor enhancement allowing the operator to see the visiting customer's host address information. It also contains a bug fix and modifications to the Dutch language translations. We would like to thank Geert Strobbe for the language translations.... read more

Posted by Becky Mc 2008-11-24

Ace Operator 1.5.0 released - Italian language support


February 5, 2006
Raleigh, NC

QUIK Computing is pleased to announce Italian language support with the production release of Ace Operator 1.5.0. We would like to thank Claudio Galdiolo for the translations. The new release also contains minor bug and documentation fixes.

Ace Operator is a free and open-source collaboration tool for enabling interactive communications between live company representatives and online users from web sites. By simply clicking on the "live help" button, online customers can get access to company representatives and exchange information in real-time. In addition, company representatives can monitor online users and initiate a dialog with a user. Ace Operator is ideal for online companies that offer products and services over the web. It is also suitable for pre-sales collaboration and for customer support centers. Ace Operator can be deployed in a hosting environment as a revenue generating application for ASP/ISP and web hosting companies. Ace Operator runs on any Java-enabled computer and is supported on Linux and Windows operating systems. For more information on the product, please visit... read more

Posted by Amit Chatterjee 2006-02-19

Ace Operator 1.4.1 released

Ace Operator 1.4.1 is released. It is a stable release. It has been deployed and being used at the QUIK Computing hosting site for some time. It is a bugfix release with minor features. The highlight of the release includes:

(1) Ace Operator now works with MySQL 4.1 or higher.
(2) Ace Operator now starts up as a system service on Windows 2003.
(3) Bugs related to unicode character encoding have been fixed.
(4) The source code has been re-factored and a new build mechanism has been put in place.... read more

Posted by Amit Chatterjee 2005-06-19

Ace Operator 1.4.0 released

Ace Operator 1.4.0 is released. It is a production-grade release. It has been deployed and being used at the QUIK Computing hosting site for some time. The following new features have been added:

(1) Support for Dutch language: The operator & user chat screens as well as Ace Contact Center screens have been translated to the Dutch language.

(2) System administrators can now setup a new "all operators busy" page for a group. When all operators are busy, the user is re-directed to this page. This page is in addition to the already existing "out of service" page.... read more

Posted by Amit Chatterjee 2005-04-07

Ace Operator 1.3.3 released

Ace Operator 1.3.3 is a production-grade release of Ace Operator. Bugs found during the 1.3 beta releases have been fixed. In addition, re-factoring of the build system has been completed and obsolete software components have been removed.

You can download the software from the web site or from

The next major release will be within 3 to 6 months time and the features that will be added is being decided. Please visit for details.

Posted by Amit Chatterjee 2004-10-10

Ace Operator 1.3.2b released

Ace Operator 1.3.2b is released. The source and binary distributions are available for download from SourceForge and from the QUIK Computing web site ( The release contains minor bug fixes and enhancements. In additon, the distribution sizes have been reduced by removing components that are no longer used.

About Ace Operator:
Ace Operator enables live interactive communication from your web site. Using Ace Operator you can provide live help and support to the visitors of your web site using Instant Messaging. It will allow you to provide immediate interactive assistance to your online customers, enhancing their experience while they are at your web site and improving customer relationships.... read more

Posted by Amit Chatterjee 2004-07-04

QUIK Computing goes open-source with Ace Operator

June 7, 2004
Raleigh, NC

QUIK Computing is pleased to announce it is open-sourcing Ace Operator beginning with Release 1.3.0b. The source code is released under the terms and conditions of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (LGPL) commonly used by prominent open-source projects. Ace Operator has been developed using the Java technology and a number of popular, open-source products including MySQL and Tomcat.... read more

Posted by Amit Chatterjee 2004-06-24