
ACDK / News: Recent posts

ACDK 5 a2 available via CVS

Currently I'm working on a new version of ACDK.
Please look at
for a list of changes.

You can receive a snapshot via CVS, checking out the tagged version "acdk-5-a2-2006-03-08"

For example:
cvs -z3 co -r 'acdk-5-a2-2006-03-08' -P acdk

Please refer to for more details.... read more

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2006-03-08

New ACDK Release 4.14

This release improves overall performance of ACDK, especially
the execution of CfgScript scripts. Improvements and bug
fixes where made in string handling, localization, threading,
configuration and build. Support for datagram sockets and
SSL streams including HTTPS URLs is added.
A JDBC like desktop database based on SQLite and a remote method
invocation similar to RMI are introduced in this release.
ACDK now supports GCC 4.0, VC 8 (2005), and current releases of
wxWidgets, OpenSSL.
For more details about changes in this release, please refer to:

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2005-05-09

New ACDK Release 4.13

acdk_xml can now validate xml files, supports namespaces, DOM model and xpath expressions. ACDK literals supports unicode escape sequences. New ports for intel Solaris 9 and 10, VC 8, GC 3.4 and new thread modell of Linux are implemented. The new release also introduces a GUI Class and Object Viewer Also fixed various bugs in the modules acdk_core, acdk_net, CfgScript, acdk_xml, acdk_sql_odbc and acdk_wx. ... read more

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2004-12-11

New ACDK snapshot 4.12.0

A new snapshot is available which fixes compile bugs of acdk_wx and provides project files for C++BuilderX.
See also:

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2004-06-10

New ACDK release 4.11

A new version of ACDK is available:
Please refer to for changes

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2004-05-12

New major ACDK release 4.10

A new version of ACDK is available:
Please refer to for changes

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2004-03-12

New major ACDK release 4.02

After one year I release a new version of ACDK.
Plaese refer to for changes.

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2003-06-30

ACDK Snapshot 3.01.0 available

A new snapshot 3.01.0 of the ACDK packages is now available.

Please refer to
for changes.

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2003-01-02

ACDK 2.01.1 available

A new Release of the ACDK packages is now available.
Please refer to
for changes.

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2002-06-20

ACDK snapshot 2002-06-04 available

After a long, long time a new snapshot was taken from the current ACDK development.
Download at

I also updated the reorganized web at

The page contains information about changes and open issues.

Please refer also to for information about porting ACDK to other platforms.... read more

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2002-06-05

ACDK snapshot 2001-12-16 available

Whats new:
- defined a operator << for StringBuffer and PrintWriter to stream values in a easy to use and better performance.
- Fixed a zoo of bugs in the util Collection classes
- ACDK handbook in the Web.
- Improved performance (* 0.2 - * 3) for + operator with
- Reduce overhead for normal method call up to * 1000 with
introducing the IN() method argument attribute for
Reference object types.
- Reorganization of sources in acdk_core
- integration of acdk_dmi into acdk::lang::dmi
- acdkx_com alpha/beta version:
ActivX-Client: Control all COM-Objects with
ACDK and ACDK-Scripting clients.
ActivX-Server: Control all ACDK-Object with COM-Clients (Visual Basic, VBScript)
- test for using control COM-Object (MS Word) in several scripting languages (ACDK-C++, lisp, tcl, perl, python)
- Rewritten basic DMI-Funktions. (acdk::lang::sys::StdDispatch)
- Improved performance on Arrays on appending items. ... read more

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-12-17

ACDK snapshot 2001-09-02 available

A new snapshot of ACDK is available:

I also updated the documentation on

The changes since last snapshot:
- Improved performance on Arrays on appending
- Fixed bug in acdk::lang::ref::Reference
- New acdk::io::SubReader, a filter which reads
segments of another Reader
- First version of acdk_vfile with virtual file
system implementation for tar and zip files.
- New internal file system ".ressource@"
- Redesigned acdk::io::File to support other file
types like tar/zip archives.
- Reworked acdk::lang::String for better
These changes may break existent code. Please
refer to the documentation.

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-09-03

ACDK snapshot 2001-08-12 available

I recently make a new snapshot available.

- pre-alpha version of acdk_vfile with a incomplete
virtual file implementation for tar files.
- Redesigned acdk::io::File to support other file types
like tar/zip archives
- Reworked acdk::lang::String for better performance.
This changes may break existant code. Please refer to
the documentation.... read more

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-08-13

ACDK: Updated web pages

The webpages of are updated to reflect the current snapshot of ACDK.
Some more general pages (tutorial) may not updated.

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-08-05

ACDK: Snapshot 2001-07-29 available

A new snapshot is availabe:
- acdk_python in a first version.
Embedding Python in ACDK and instrumenting all ACDK
classes in Python.
- implemented acdk::text::DecimalFormat.
- Fixed a bug in generating dsp
- implement acdk::xml::sax using expat as implementation
- implemented Object::serialized_equals(),
serialized_clone(), serialized_hashCode() which can use
as a standard implementation for the equals(), clone()
and hashCode() methods.

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-07-29

ACDK: new snapshot is available.

A new snapshot is available for download:

- Fixed Date, DateTimeFormat, GregorianCalendar,
SimpleDateDateFormat and a hand of classes related
Date, Calendar, Locales, Formatting in acdk_core and

- Successfully ported to FreeBSD 4.3
To compile a target just use:
make -f target.bsd

- Fixed ClassLoader. Can load classes from
.so/.dll dynamically.... read more

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-07-23

ACDK Snapshot 2001-06-26 available

- condition/mutex fixed for Unix
- gcc 3.0 related bugs fixed
- TODO: Bug in acdk_lang_Test for MSC
Please refer to:

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-06-27

ACDK: new weekly snapshot is available.

- another fix for make install on solaris. Uses now an instead of nativ install executable.
- introduce core_system, which provides basic initialization.
- Fixes in the core_specific- Fixes in the allocator interfaces
- TODO: condition does not work on Solaris with 2 or more CPUs.

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-06-18

ACDK: new snapshot

A new weekly snapshot of ACDK is available.

- intial acdk_tools_testunit
- changed some test modules to new acdk_tools_testunit
- initial ::acdk::lang::sys::core_atomicop
- initial ::acdk::lang::sys::Backtrace
- initial ::acdk::lang::sys::core_specific (will replace ThreadLocalImpl
- changed/fixed minor things in acdk_make

See also:

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-06-04

Troubles with GCC 2.96

User reported problems compiling ACDK with GCC 2.96.
I will try to fix until the next week.

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-04-23

ACDK 1.01 is out

Finally the new Release 1.01 of ACDK is out.
Major improvements:
- acdkx_orb: alpha of the built in ACDK ORB
- acdkx_sol: alpha of server tools
- all: changed/enhanced metainformation
- all: improved configuration management.
- all: now tested on Solaris with gcc (thanks to Sourceforge)
- all: improved documentation. Fixed many broken links and include full source browsing
- all: more minor fixes

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-04-08

Prerelease of ACDK 1.01

Im just preparing a new release of ACDK, with new modules (acdkx_orb, acdkx_sol), support for Solaris and more detailed improvements.

A prerelease version of 1.01. is available at:

Any input (bugs, etc.) is appreciated.

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2001-04-02

New: ACDK Tcl and DMI

Just released the integration of the Tcl-Interpreter and the interface definition for Dynamic Method Invokation (DMI).

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2000-12-17

New Release 1.00.2

If made a new release 1.00.2
The only change in this release is that I extend the configuration mangement and introduced a project workspace metamake feature for generating the top level makefiles and project files.

Posted by Roger Rene Kommer 2000-12-16