
AccessBuild / News: Recent posts

AccessBuild 0.7 Beta Released

For anyone out there who is made to develop in this difficult environment AccessBuild is a ray of light.

It rips apart the MDB into component for so you can check into CVS only the parts that have changed. It can then "build" a fresh MDB from the component parts when you need to cut a release.

This is a beta release and has a couple of known issues.

Please see change log/release notes.

Posted by Daniel Grout 2005-01-30

Beta Released

I have posted the 1st beta today. There are a few minor niggles with it but all in all it works.

In the next release I will get round to compact and repair as a final stage. It seems to cut the file size in half.

Please post any bugs found on the tracker.


Posted by Daniel Grout 2005-01-30