
Abettor / News: Recent posts


After some deliberation, learning and the fact that I have finished school, I have begun redoing the project. The first alpha release should include the following capabilities: user management, ticket control, tagging, and recent news. I am working on getting everything in place at the moment. I believe that the underlying database structure and model setup is in working order and most likely will have very few changes. Current stage is creating the views and interaction with the database. Tickets are mostly done only needing a few tweaks and tags are in the works. I won't say when I expect the first release, but I have made great progress over the last two days. I am expecting to have it done by the beginning of 2007.

Posted by Topher Fangio 2006-12-20

Subversion Repository

The subversion repository is now set up and being hosted by Anonymous access information is available under the Subversion link on the Abettor project summary page. Currently we are at version 62 and will be updating regularly.

Posted by Topher Fangio 2006-07-01

Abettor Up and Running

Things are moving along and development has started. Currently, most of our effort is geared towards planning the object model. This includes writing out some of the database schema. In addition, we have started making a list of the feature set needed as well as some of the optional things we would like it to incorporate. File uploads should begin soon.

Posted by Topher Fangio 2006-06-22