Tom Roche - 2005-10-06

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" Team" 10/06/2005 09:33:21 AM:
> (All project admins are getting
> this mail. We send this type of mailing out from
> time to time to make sure project admins are
> well-informed about major service changes.)

> Greetings, project admin,

> Announcement of new MySQL 4.1 service:

> Recently, many projects have noted performance
> problems with our project web service and
> project database service (based on MySQL
> 3.23.x).

> It is our pleasure to report that these
> performance problems have been resolved and we
> have launched a new project database service
> offering, available now. This new service
> offering, based on MySQL 4.1.x, will replace our
> existing MySQL 3.23.x service.

> An overview of this, and other recent
> enhancements has been posted to our Site
> Enhancements list at:

> Details of our new database offering:

> * Provides MySQL 4.1.x (the latest production
> release of MySQL) service to projects, in a
> manner that will allow us to more readily scale
> to meet future capacity needs.

> * Allows projects to create multiple databases,
> and provides three user accounts to access these
> databases (one each with read-only, read-write,
> and admin access).

> * Provides a centralized install of phpMyAdmin,
> allowing easy management of project databases,
> and eliminates the need for projects to maintain
> their own phpMyAdmin install.

> * This service is available for project use
> immediately and documented at:

> Notes on migration:

> To free additional resources to improve our
> MySQL 4.1.x service offering, we plan to
> discontinue MySQL 3.23.x service. Projects are
> responsible for migrating any existing database
> applications to the new MySQL 4.1.x service.

> A list of major features added since MySQL
> 3.23.x is available at the following URLs:

> As migration of data is application-specific,
> you may need to do some research in order to
> make the switch. We encourage you to review the
> documentation that comes with your applications,
> and contact the groups that develop those
> applictions if you need assistance.

> Changes to MySQL from 3.23.x to 4.1.x are
> detailed at:


> Notice of planned shutdown of MySQL 3.23
> service:

> MySQL 3.23 service will be shut down on
> 2005-11-01. MySQL data remaining in these
> databases will be removed at that time. Please
> migrate your data and applications to our MySQL
> 4.1.x service prior to 2005-11-01, if desired.

> We'll handle the clean-up of old MySQL 3.23 data
> -- no need to do any house cleaning on the old
> database before we shut down that service.

> We believe our new MySQL service offering is a
> dramatic improvement, and will meet the needs of
> most projects.

> Questions or concerns (if not answered in our
> Site Documentation), please submit a Support
> Request at:

> If you believe you have received this message in
> error, please contact us by Support Request
> (link above).