
#55 Command line administration tool


Is there a way to manage ASK from a command line
rather than having to manage it through the remote
email capabilities? It is a bit of a hassle to have to send,
receive, and send again to administer the queues,
whitelist, etc. A command line tool to do administration,
if not already available, would be a great addition!


  • Lars B. Dybdahl

    Lars B. Dybdahl - 2003-05-08

    Logged In: YES

    You can edit the lists from a command line.

  • Lars B. Dybdahl

    Lars B. Dybdahl - 2003-05-08
    • priority: 5 --> 1
  • Lars B. Dybdahl

    Lars B. Dybdahl - 2003-05-08

    Logged In: YES

    You can edit the lists from a command line.

  • Ron

    Ron - 2004-04-04

    Logged In: YES

    While you can edit the lists from a command line, it's a bit
    trickier to move messages from the queue to your in-box via
    the command line.

    Using the "ask process queue" email doesn't work for me. My
    email address has been public for over 10 years (I've got an e-
    commerce site) and I get over 500 pieces of spam every day.
    I set-up a cron job to delete any queued messages after 10
    days, which means I've got at least 5000 queued messages
    at any time.

    The email client I like to use (and please don't try to convert
    me- I have reasons for using the one I have) does not have a
    function for searching within the body of a message. So I
    can't "jump" to something I know is there. I have to scroll for

    But, rather than a command-line tool, I'd rather see a web-
    page tool. But, how to get past the permissions when the
    web server isn't the same user as the email owner?

    IMP ( is a web-based system that
    manipulates email via the IMAP interface. Perhaps something
    similar could be done for managing the queue and the lists.


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