
#18 No [bulk]mailbox should generate error

Kurt Werle

If you do not have a bulkmailbox set, the message should be sent to the user with an error message prepended.

I got bit by this in the upgrade.


  • Kurt Werle

    Kurt Werle - 2002-08-14

    Logged In: YES

    Some folks will want to delete this bulk email. I think we should have a magic "DELETE" mailbox name. Any mail destined for that box goes to the bitbucket.

  • Adam Gibson

    Adam Gibson - 2002-08-20

    Logged In: YES

    Instead of sending this type of mail to a Bulk or Junk email
    directory, I just modifed ask to queue the messages but not
    send a reply back to the sender. This allows you to still
    see the "bulk" mail with ASK PROCESS QUEUE. SInce I run
    this at work, users do not have access to any other mail
    spools except /var/spool/mail/username. This allows the
    users to deal with the email just like normal spooled mail
    without having to maintain a separate file that they do not
    have access to.

  • Adam Gibson

    Adam Gibson - 2002-08-20

    Logged In: YES

    This allows the users to deal with the email just like
    normal queued mail by ask without having to maintain a
    separate file that they do not have access to.

  • Kurt Werle

    Kurt Werle - 2002-08-21

    Logged In: YES

    Very soon now (VSN - (tm)), I plan on implementing
    "ASK edit config"
    So that users can edit their own config files.

    This comment doesn't belong here - it should go to some discussion list. If you want to follow up, let's take this there.

  • Marco Paganini

    Marco Paganini - 2002-10-09

    Logged In: YES

    From 2.3 on, bulk/junk will be queued with the correct
    X-ASK-info header. No more bulk/junk mailboxes will be

  • Marco Paganini

    Marco Paganini - 2002-10-09
    • assigned_to: nobody --> paganini
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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