
DoubleType / News: Recent posts

DoubleType 0.2.0 released

DoubleType is an open source graphical typeface designer
that builds TrueType font file.
Written in Java, DoubleType runs on platforms
supported by Java, including Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.

This release introduces cubic Bezier curve for contours and conversion between a contour using cubic Bezier curve and quadratic curve.

Posted by eed3si9n 2004-12-17

DoubleType 0.1.6 released

DoubleType is an open source graphical typeface designer
that builds TrueType font file.
Written in Java, DoubleType runs on platforms
supported by Java, including Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.

Major bugs related to the metric information in the font
output were fixed. Min, max, ascent, and descent are
now calculated correctly, and the hdmx (horizontal device
metrics) table is no longer misused.
There was another bugfix related to UI initialization,
which was causing JVM to hang occasionally on startup.... read more

Posted by eed3si9n 2004-10-05

DoubleType 0.1.5 released

I am pleased to announce 0.1.5, development alpha release of DoubleType.

DoubleType is an open source graphical typeface designer
that builds TrueType font file.
Written in Java, DoubleType runs on platforms
supported by Java, including Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.

The focus of this release is improvement of the UI.
Move and pick actions were consolidated into one.
The program remebers the last location of the typeface file. Context sensitive menu was added,
which displays link to available tasks depending on the selected object.
Wall paper can be moved vertically as well as horizontally.

Posted by eed3si9n 2004-09-08

DoubleType 0.1.4 released

I am pleased to announce 0.1.4, development alpha release of DoubleType.

DoubleType is an open source graphical typeface designer
that builds TrueType font file.
Written in Java, DoubleType runs on platforms
supported by Java, including Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.

The focus of this release is improvement of the UI.
Mode and Action combinations are replaced with icons in a toolbar,
like other graphics programs. Unavailable menu
items are disabled. Glyph's file name appears in the save menu.
The program prompts to save unsaved changes upon exit.... read more

Posted by eed3si9n 2004-07-11

DoubleType 0.1.3 released

I am pleased to announce 0.1.3, development alpha release of DoubleType.

DoubleType is an open source graphical typeface designer that
builds TrueType font file.
Written in Java, DoubleType runs on platforms supported by Java,
including Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.

This release fixes bug related to maximum profile of generated font file, which was causing the program to crash with some glyphs.
Edittable font sample was added. UI was improved.

Posted by eed3si9n 2004-07-07

DoubleType 0.1.2 released

I am pleased to announce 0.1.2, development alpha release of DoubleType.

DoubleType is an open source graphical typeface designer that
builds TrueType font file.
Written in Java, DoubleType runs on platforms supported by Java,
including Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.

Bugfixes related to character encoding of Japanese locale file (which was preventing other environments to build).
New features, rendering performance improvement of UI, font preview form,
and html docs.

Posted by eed3si9n 2004-06-22