
ADO.NET Data Provider for SQLite / News: Recent posts

Website launched

The ADO.NET Data Provider for SQLite now has a small website which will grow in the next few weeks.

Posted by geekyde 2005-08-24

ADO.NET 2.0 Provider for SQLite

In light of this project's lack of recent updates and questionable future with respect to .NET 2.0, I'd like to point out a recently created project that looks promising for SQLite on .NET 2.0:

Posted by Tim McDaniel 2005-06-07

Version 0.21 is Released

Hi everyone,
I've just made a release available for download. Some notes on this release:
Notes regarding the implementation of ISO8601 DateTime fields (introduced February 12, 2005):
Release 0.21 saw the introduction of ISO8601 DateTime fields as the default storage mechanism.
The format used was 'yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss', to bring it in line with SQLite 3.1.1's new CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP keywords. This is also the the default format used by MySQL.
Other supported formats at this time include:
* yyyyMMddHHmmss
* yyyyMMddTHHmmssfffffff
* yyyy-MM-dd
* yy-MM-dd
* yyyyMMdd
* HH:mm:ss
* THHmmss ... read more

Posted by Robert Foster 2005-02-11

Version 0.20 is released

- Compact Framework is fully supported! It passes all unit tests.
- Changed the internal format of DateTime.
Now it is stored as Int64 instead of String.
The old format is supported for SQLite2 via the option 'Compatibility=old-date-format'
- Exceptions thrown in DbDataAdapter.Fill doesn't leave IDbConnection
in 'Executing' state anymore
- Decimal, Single, Double types are written in culture-neutral manner now.
- Binary type (BLOB) is supported now. The SQLite of version 3 supports BLOB fully.
SQLite version 2 doesn't allow bytes with zero values inside the binary array.
The provider checks of the presence of zero bytes and throws exception if found them.
- Preliminary support of Mono on UNIX is added. I didn't test it yet. Any volunteers?
- Assembly is digitally signed.

Posted by Alexander Gavrilov 2004-10-01

Version 0.19 is released

The new version supports SQLite2 and SQLite3 in the same code.

Posted by Alexander Gavrilov 2004-08-05

ADO.NET Data Provider for SQLite

ADO.NET Data Provider for SQLite
Version 0.1
This is the initial release of our free, open source ADO.NET Data Provider for SQLite.

Posted by Tim McDaniel 2003-11-13