
portdowngrade for FreeBSD / News: Recent posts

portdowngrade-0.6 released

Search port by "make search" (works on FreeBSD 5.3 as well)
Bugfix: missing default server support on -o

Posted by Heiner Eichmann 2004-12-28

portdowngrade-0.5 released

bugfix: sometimes the ports version was wrong
a default cvs server can be set
port revision is added to port version number
user selection if several ports start with the supplied port name

Posted by Heiner Eichmann 2004-08-08

portdowngrade-0.4 released

- bugfix: cvs does no longer support -l switch

Posted by Heiner Eichmann 2004-06-21

portdowngrade-0.3 released

- better debug output (more events traced; each line starts with "DEBUG"
- CVSROOT environment variable supported
- commit transaction guessing changed (thanks to: Randy Pratt)
- new switch: -t. Sets the maximum time between two commits with the same comment to treat them as belonging to the same commit
- new switch: -o. calls cvs login first

Posted by Heiner Eichmann 2004-06-20

portdowngrade-0.2 released

- gcc 3.x compilation problems fixed
- Bugfix: commit events wrongly sorted
- Bugfix: portdowngrade does not stop on cvs errors
- Bugfix: deleted files not alwys deleted
- New switch: -l

Posted by Heiner Eichmann 2004-04-17

portdowngrade-0.0 released

The first version of portdowngrade has been released.

Posted by Heiner Eichmann 2003-02-13