
TP Projects / News: Recent posts

Logo Contest

We need a good logo for the project - whoever submits the winning one gets credit on the site, the software, whatever you want. you also get a free copy of whatever we make if we ever make commercial software (probbably never). It's ok to use Tux, the Linux penguin in it if you want. Submit all entries to by the end of January 2003.

Posted by T. Morgan 2003-01-02

For the new year :

Every few moths I'm going to post what direction I would like to head the project in f, here it is for Jan.-Feb. 2003 :

I think we should concentrate on making our product a whole office suite, instead of just a word processor. I think we should gradually add support for spreadsheets, email, and databases. Now that we are actively recruiting developers, I think it would be the best thing for the project. Reight now, we're competing with WordPad - I want to take on M$ Office or . I think we should have one program that can open spreadsheets, word-processing documents, and read email - I started working on the email (and IM clients) stuff in the current beta version.
comments ?... read more

Posted by T. Morgan 2003-01-01

Beta of WPe 2 published

Look at the package. It's only beta. Suggested for developers & testers included. .exe and source files in one package. Added support for images and the like.

Posted by T. Morgan 2003-01-01

HTML, Bugs, and our software

- We're currently working on gtnning our app to se the HTMLEdit control, os we can have mre options available when editing/saving documents. We've got it done, but it has lots of bugs, and crashes at any time. If there's a developer out there who could figure this out, please drop usa an email at

Note to testers : As soon as this is fixed, we'll compile it, and get it to you.

Posted by T. Morgan 2002-12-18

Spell Check get an Update.

Well folks, ever since tytanic11 added me to this project, I have create the web site, and now I have overhaulled the spell checker. Now it is an ActiveX control with an accompanying test application. I have also ported parts of it to C/C++ for speed. I hope you folks enjoy it. The source has been released as well.

Posted by Matthew Holder 2002-11-20

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome !!!

We've got some new testers/developers on the project ! I'd like to thank everyone who replyed to the want ads I posted, and everyone on the project. Right now we're focusing on adding Tables and Images into WPe, these will be in a future release. WPi has officialy been removed from our download pages, because it was mostly dead, and just an old version of WPe anyway.
Note to Testers : You may submit bug reports/feature requests about anything that bugs you - you don't need to email me for approval. Once anything is submitted, a tech will handle it. ... read more

Posted by T. Morgan 2002-11-18

Oue site is up !

Our main project website is up at - it was designed for me by SixXGate Systems. Thanks ! (BTW - it's in PHP and includes images by Tupacshakur - thanks !)

Posted by T. Morgan 2002-11-16

So8urce to WPeverything has been released

I just uploaded the VisualBasic source files in a 20mb zip package. They include every program ever released by us, and some unpublished changes/bug fixes. Anyone may download/change them ,as long as you submit the changes to me/TPnet Project.

T. Mothan

Posted by T. Morgan 2002-11-15

Spell Checker/Dictionary released

I've just released the spell checking component and the dictionary as sererate files. You may include the 100,000+ word dictionary in any of your own programs, as long as you give credit to TP Projects, and include a link to our homepage. The spell checking engine has a GUI which allows you to copy and paste text to be checked. We'll add support for the "open" and "save" buttons later.As well as better integrate it into WPe.

Posted by T. Morgan 2002-11-14

Help Needed, We're getting more popular !

I was just looking at our hits/ d/l stats, and we've nearly doubled our traffic in the past few days. That's great 1 For those of you who like our software, we'll continue releasing new versions as long as there is demand for it. To keep up with this, we are in need of 1 documentation writer, for a FAQ, help files, and stuff like that. We also need 1-2 programmers with knowledge of VB, and such.these positions are great for developers to add our project to their portfolio, and to publicize yourself on a popular site, and in software that will soon become a qualified MS Word replacement, and already has 100s of users, only a week or 2 after it was released Imagine the jobs that could get you. As we develop only free software, we can't pay anyone, but in the end, helping pays for itself in the satisfaction you get from being a part of a great project, and a nice addition for your portfolio. We hope you'll consider that, as we have $0 right now, and will remain that way - because we will never make anyone pay for our software. However, you are free to donate if you want :) We're hoping to have Linux ports out in the next few months. We also need people to help with that. ... read more

Posted by T. Morgan 2002-11-13

Our Intentions for the Next Months (Nov-dec.)

We plan to get more developers/testers/doc writers on board,then start, and probbably release an alpha, then a beta web browser, seperate from our other projects. We'll also add support for more file formats, and maybe images to our word processor, WPe, which is targeted to become a viable alternative to MS Word within the next year (or two, or three :>). If you'd like to help/have ideas, you can find me at read more

Posted by T. Morgan 2002-11-12

WPe 1.0 released

Version 1.0 of our Flagship Word Processor has been released, this time without the Web Browser, and with support for RTF (Rich-Text format). You can begin to download it now.

Posted by T. Morgan 2002-11-10

Help Wanted

We are looking for Doc writers, skilled developers, porters to Linux, and a bug handler. Please contact if you're interested.

Posted by T. Morgan 2002-11-10

WPi 1.0 Released

We have just released version 1.0 of our Word Processor with built-in web browser, WPi ! As of now it is designed for stability and functionality. We will release a "pretty" (lots of color) build soon.
Thanks !
The TP Progect

Posted by T. Morgan 2002-10-31