
e107 bootstrap content management system / News: Recent posts

e107 v0.7.10 released

Yes, just three weeks after the last release, here is another. This release fixes a some of the issues that were introduced in the last release. The biggest among them being:

* Forum post counts
* SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS issue with older versions of MySQL
* Extended user field visibility

There is also a few minor and a major security fix in this version. This means if you are using an older version, you will want to upgrade to 0.7.10 now.

Posted by CaMer0n 2007-10-29

e107 v0.7.9 released

A mass of bugfixes in this release.
Full changelog can be found here:

Posted by CaMer0n 2007-10-06

e107 v0.7.8 released

Another bugfix release for the 0.7.x tree has made it out into the wild. Tons of big and small fixes here, but sure this is your current version.

Posted by Thom Michelbrink 2007-02-17

e107 v0.7.7 released

While all the devs believe 0.7.6 was a great accomplishment and a solid release, there were naturally a few bugs that couldn't go unfixed for an extended period of time. Because of that, we proudly present 0.7.7!

Posted by CaMer0n 2006-12-07

e107 v0.7.6 released

Just two days shy of six months since the last release, 0.7.6 finally gets released.

Following the release of 0.7.5, the e107 devs really wanted to make an effort on getting a stable benchmark release for e107. We concentrated on security and stability. Naturally there are many new features included too, but the majority of the coding did concentrate on bug fixes.

Posted by CaMer0n 2006-11-23