
GooseEgg: 3D Modeler / News: Recent posts

Freyja 0.3.1 Release ( "I gotta believe!" )

Freyja 0.3.1 Release ( "I gotta believe!" )

Egg based particle editing, gtk+ 2.0 support, and other nice things. Try it out and send comments/bugs.

This may be the last lib_freyjaegg based Freyja, since I'm moving to the new backend I've been working on tentively called libfreyja.

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2002-02-26

Reaching new milestones

Milestones are now being used in Freyja. From now on everytime a milestone is reached a snapshot will be released. Currently Freyja_Gnome-0.3 module in CVS is gaining new features daily since I got MLISP up and running. Please read the FAQ and get up to date if you wish to track in CVS. This will be the first stable snapshot release in quite some time! Thanks to everyone that's tested Freyja and contributed algorithms.... read more

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2002-01-28

Where are we going?

FROM: Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II
DATE: 11/15/2001 20:34:30
SUBJECT: [Gooseegg-development] Where are we going?

As you may have noticed development on Freyja and GooseEgg have started
back up as I found more free time.

GooseEgg has been resynced with my local tree, and should now build
perfectly once agian. I also updated some 'plugins' for GooseEgg using
source from Freyja. As you know GooseEgg doesn't have a real plugin
system like Freyja, so these backports didn't add the Freyja plugin
system itself. If you'd like to see GooseEgg have the image and model
plugin system backported, then request it. I didn't know the
sourceforge cvs tree was damaged until I got an email telling me it
didn't build and files were missing. =)... read more

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2001-11-18

Freyja 0.2 developer preview

I have put two new modules in CVS: freyja_egg and Freyja-0.2.0. These modules are the base for the new Freyja 0.2.0 release. Currently the gnome interface isn't included, since I have 3 source trees right now. This preview is to show the path I'm going -- don't expect it to be a new API.

I'm removing python and win32 support in 0.2.0, see the DL model loaders and etc. I dropped EggV7 from also, so it has to save functionality since it's EggV8 based. However this is a *preview. If you'd like to suggest GLX gnome widgets, please do - I'm looking at q3radient and two custom widgets of my own in gtk-- and gtk+ atm. =)

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2001-05-16

GooseEgg is back =)

I've been working on some networking code for various servers and clients, but now I'm back! =)

I've already started back on finishing the Eggv8 backend rollover and a new MVC layout to abstract Egg and interaction with it. I'm also looking into removing all the lame FreyjaControl::"InputDevice"() code into events - where it should be. I'm also going to reenable linux joystick support.

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2001-04-08

0.1.4 final and 0.1.5 cvs releases

The final 0.1.4 feature release is out as a tarball and breifly in CVS. I'll soon be uploading the new 0.1.5 branchs to CVS.

There are two remaining 0.1.5 forks, that use the new unreleased libmtk_gl 0.0.1. Freyja runs on an EggV8 backend and GooseEgg runs an EggV7 backend. libmtk_gl will be released with them. Currently the Freyja build is far behind the feature set of the GooseEgg build, so be patient while I 'backport' the new features to the newer engine with the older user interface. ;)... read more

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2001-01-29

Beta 1 release

I didn't get everything I wanted into beta 1, but I did get *most of the features ready. I hope everyone submits bug reports this time. I noticed some big bugs that didn't get submitted, like missing docs, and no one knew how to use the gui script because it was in the testpak, and a broken gui event.

Well, please submit bug reports. =)

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-11-07

GooseEgg lives!

Freyja 0.1.0pre3 2000.10.29 has replaced the GooseEgg module. This will be the last Eggv7 based release - please update your files as Eggv8 will only support back to Eggv7C.

Freyja will now move to Eggv8 based modeling and start level editing code.

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-10-29

Freyja Beta 1pre1 release

Freyja Beta 1pre1 is now on the file download
section. Now that Freyja is in pre beta, I am
Adding mtk widgets and SDL support to CVS.

Thanks to Ryan for auditing Freyja for the
SDL port, and taniwha for his bug audit. ;)

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-10-20

Freyja final alpha

Freyja is entering a usable state for normal users, but it's still in CVS only for now. The design is finalized, and you can read the TODO for details. Please test the current snapshot ane report bugs no listed in the TODO file.

The main changes are GLUT will be dropped in favor of SDL and plug-ins will be done in python. Final alpha is here on the 18th, so I plan to have it usable by then... the version will move to beta 1.0.... read more

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-10-12

Freyja CVS mixup fixed

I wasn't aware of it, but the commited files on SourceForge were no longer in sync with my local mirror of the code. Sorry about that. The code should now build, now all the files are commited. =)

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-09-30

Freyja backports to GooseEgg

Good news for users. I just back ported a few features from
Freyja to GooseEgg in CVS. Only the new Egg module and
bbox and color quad where backported so far...

Please test Freyja, so I can advance the project faster. It's
in CVS under the module name Freyja. At this time the
layering is a little hokey on some utah drivers, but I have no
tests of other drivers - please test and submit reports. =)

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-09-29

0.0.30 canned, 0.0.31 starts

I know it sucks breaking the project for such a
long period of time. I've decided to skip 0.0.30
since this is vastly different from 0.0.29 that was
EGG v6 based w/o a real GUI.

The next stable will be 0.0.32. A major feature
lock is now in place. I'm going to work on the
GUI mostly for a while now, and alternate on the
finishing the new EGGv7 backend.

CVS is now 0.0.31. I'm going to experiment for
quiet some time on the GUI and backend.... read more

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-07-19

0.0.29 release

The final EGGv6 based GooseEgg release is out.
This release is just to provide a 'stable' development version before starting the EGGv7 rollover. EGGv6 loading will be in 0.0.29f and 0.0.30, so don't worry about compatibility.

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-07-01

TR3, TR4, MD3, and TGA support!

I finally got support/fixes for TombRaider 3 and 4, MD3 ( Quake 3 ), and TGA 32bit textures with alpha layers in GooseEgg. MD3 still needs texture list building and vertex morphing. TR4 needs player model fixes ( maps work ) and 32bit texture viewing support.

Email me specs and models for a format you'd like to add to GooseEgg.

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-06-05

TR level editing and 'play'

Tomb raider level editing is possible now.
( full support, yet still could be improved )
New player view with '_' key.

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-05-22

New TombRaider level loading

TR 1, 2, and UB levels now load in 0.0.25.
Also many small bugs have been fixed...

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-05-22

New TR support

Full TR 1, UB, and 2 data support.

Posted by Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II 2000-05-21