
Java Modbus Library / News: Recent posts

Maven Central

I have recently made jamod available through Maven Central.

I'd also welcome helping hands, unit tests or message implementations, if I learn they exist (eMailing me is probably the best way to go) and can co-exist with the existing codebase.


Posted by Dieter Wimberger 2012-08-05

Support for SNAP Module

jamod can now be build and runs out-of-the-box on a SNAP ( module.

You can try to build from HEAD, or wait for the upcoming release.

-- Dieter

Posted by Dieter Wimberger 2004-10-25

v1.1 Release

We are proud to announce the release of v1.1.
Thanks to everybody that has been involved over the last months to make this possible.

Please see the new home page ( for changes and documentation.

Have fun,

Posted by Dieter Wimberger 2004-06-09

1.0fix2: Highlight is the Documentation

I admit that 1.0fix2 does not sound like a lot of advancements. However, with this release I have published a lot of additional documentation.
Please be sure to check out to find new documents like "Understanding the protocol" and various "How-To's" (read: Tutorials).

I hope that these will help you to get started easier.

Have fun and don't forget that critics, comments and suggestions about this work are always welcome.... read more

Posted by Dieter Wimberger 2002-12-03