
Visual-MinGW / News: Recent posts

Version 0.57 development

I've uploaded Visual-MinGW 0.57 alpha, development version.

Please test and report bugs to the mailing-list.


Posted by Arthas C 2008-06-13

Version 0.56 development

I've uploaded Visual-MinGW 0.56 alpha, development version. (experimental)

Please test and report bugs to the mailing-list.


Posted by manu b 2004-03-28

Version 0.53a snapshot

I've uploaded a snapshot of version 0.53a.

It's now possible to change editor syntax colors, new configs can be created or removed.
Project/Run bug fixed under 2K/XP.

Please test and report bugs to the mailing-list.


Posted by manu b 2003-10-11

Version 0.51a snapshot

I've uploaded a snapshot of version 0.51a.
It now supports configurations, currently a "Debug" and "Release".
Please test and report bugs to the mailing-list.


Posted by manu b 2003-05-24

Version 0.50a snapshot

I've uploaded a snapshot of version 0.50a. This is the first Inno Setup
package for Visual-MinGW, thanks to David Essex.
Please test and report bugs to the mailing-list.


Posted by manu b 2003-05-12

Version 0.49-alpha released

It's now possible to change the default font and indentation settings.

This release also fixes a regression in the Project Options dialog.


Posted by manu b 2003-03-03

Version 0.48-alpha updated

This update fixes a regression in the "New Module" dialog
and when running a non-GUI project.


Posted by manu b 2003-03-02

Version 0.48-alpha released

This release fixes a regression in the "New Module" dialog.


Posted by manu b 2003-03-01

Version 0.47-alpha released

For the first anniversary of Visual-MinGW project, I've released the 0.47 alpha. Please test and report problems to the general mailing-list. Enjoy !


Posted by manu b 2003-02-15

Version 0.43-alpha released

This release fixes the "DuplicateHandle" failure under WinNT and
fixes a bug with uppercase file extensions.

Posted by manu b 2002-06-08

Version 0.42-alpha released

1. VM 0.42 can build static libraries and Dlls.

2. There is a new tab in project options to set Info-ZIP flags and choose a sub-directory to output
zip files. (default was ".\zip" with v0.41)

3. It's possible to double-click error lines and automatically go to the file and line containing the error.

4. Finally, I've added a "CTRL+S" accelerator.


Posted by manu b 2002-05-27

Version 0.41-alpha released

I've released version 0.41 alpha.
Visual-MinGW now bundles needed command line softwares except MinGW.

Note that some features are not implemented yet.
For example, you need to manually create a "zip" sub-folder in each project tree to use the "Create archive" command.
This release have some known bugs and some to be discovered :)
Please report bugs using the "Bug Tracking System" or post to the users forum.... read more

Posted by manu b 2002-05-20

Version 0.40-alpha released

I've released version 0.40 alpha and its binary package.

Note that some features are not implemented yet.
This first release have some known bugs and some to be discovered :)


Posted by manu b 2002-05-17

Project options

Project options now have a smart tabbed dialog containing:
1. A General tab.
2. A Compiler tab.
3. A Linker tab.


Posted by manu b 2002-04-25

Changes to CVS

Process.cpp :

Child processes are now created in a thread instead of using Windows timers.


Posted by manu b 2002-04-07

03/24/02 Forum & Development.

You can now anonymously post messages to Users Forum.
Your comments and wishes are welcome.

Sunday, march 24 2002 :
. I've finally found a fine way to manage child windows in WinUI.
. Dialog boxes CDldBase class created in WinUI. Also a fine way to create dialog boxes in C++.
. I'm enhancing files and directories management and add/remove module procedures.

These changes will be merged to CVS soon.

Posted by manu b 2002-03-24

(24/02/02) Home page, CVS

-> Home pages updated.

-> Forum created :

-> Mailing list created :

-> CVS repository created.
-> Winui updated in CVS.


Posted by manu b 2002-02-24

(02/16/02) VM project created.

February, 16th 2002.
Visual-MinGW project created.
Project registration for SourceForge approved.

Posted by manu b 2002-02-16

(09/08/01) Development started.

September, 8th 2001.
Visual-MinGW development started.

Posted by manu b 2002-02-16