
Candle App Platform / News: Recent posts

Candle 0.13 Beta Release

  1. Finalized Candle Markup syntax;
  2. Added built-in array support;
  3. Some query syntax changes;
  4. Multi-thread and HTTP1.1 Keep-alive support by Candle web server;
  5. More robust Candle web server (can support hundreds of concurrent access);
  6. Various bug fixes;
Posted by Henry Luo 2013-05-21

Candle 0.12 Beta Release

1. Candle now also runs on Windows x64, Ubuntu x64 and Fedora;
2. Various enhancements to Candle web server, including file upload support;
3. Various syntax clean-ups and bug fixes;

Posted by Henry Luo 2012-11-05

Candle0.11 Beta Release

The major new and enhanced features in this release are:
1. Added support of anonymous object;
2. Added support of SWIG interface, so that Candle can be embedded in Java and Python;
3. Added basic OOP support;
4. Added datetime arithmetic and duration support;
5. Added basic XQuery support;
6. Added support of query operators including union, intersect, except, some and every;

Posted by Henry Luo 2012-03-04

Candle 0.10 Beta Release

The major new features and enhancements in this release are:
1. Added support of a new format, Candle Object Notation;
2. Added support of anonymous function;
3. Completed node constructor support;
4. Cleaned up Candle Namespace support;
5. Allowed statement function to be called as expression;
6. Cleaned up file operation routines on Linux;
7. Added document node support;

Posted by Henry Luo 2011-11-03

Candle 0.9.1 Beta Release

I'm glad to announce 0.9.1 beta release of Candle App Platform.
Some bugs were fixed comparing to 0.9 release.

Some features in current release include:
1. Candle command line has been ported to Linux;
2. A simple web server that enable Candle to be used for server-side scripting;
3. Unified pattern support that can match BNF-like grammar and RELAX NG-like schema;

Posted by Henry Luo 2011-07-28

Candle 0.9 Beta Release

I'm glad to announce 0.9 beta release of Candle App Platform.
Some new features include:
1. Candle command line has been ported to Linux;
2. A simple web server that enable Candle to be used for server-side scripting;
3. Unified pattern support that can match BNF-like grammar and RELAX NG-like schema;

Posted by Henry Luo 2011-07-05