
iF.SVNAdmin / News: Recent posts

Release 1.5.1

-- Repository browsing
On Unix and some Windows systems the repository browsing functionality didn’t work as wanted. Now everything works on both systems.

-- Basic authentication fixes
The Apache server on Windows couldn’t authenticate against passwords created by iF.SVNAdmin. Now all possible hash formats are supported (SHA1, MD5-APR1, CRYPT). It is also possible to define a custom default hash format in the “include/”.... read more

Posted by Manuel Freiholz 2010-09-12

iF.SVNAdmin 1.5 released!

The new version 1.5 is a bug fix release.

* The table filter no longer hides the table footer buttons. (Searches over the hole row now)
* All user-, group-, repository- and access-path tables have a filter now.
* The Repository-Add link is not longer shown, if the RepositoryEditProviderType is OFF.
* The “selectAll()” function of tables now only selects the visible rows.
* New translation: Chinese (by Sean Chan)
* The repository browser supports all Unicode characters and shows the latest author + revision.... read more

Posted by Manuel Freiholz 2010-07-29

iF.SVNAdmin 1.4 released

It’s done! The new version 1.4 is released. Here is a short list of the new features:

* Project-Manager support
* ACL permissions, managed by pre-defined roles
* Usability improvements of long lists
* Settings/Setup page
* Change password support (only for “passwd” User-Edit-Provider)
* Added a tiny front-page (with 1.5 it will show latest Subversion logs)

The Basic installation documentation is also up-to-date and can be used for installation.... read more

Posted by Manuel Freiholz 2010-07-21

iF.SVNAdmin Release 1.3

A new version of SVNAdmin has been released. It comes with the resolved issue "Multi-language user interface" and a few design changes.

Posted by Manuel Freiholz 2010-06-09