
GPS Pal / News: Recent posts

New release v. 1.2

Hi! Glad to announce that v. 1.2 is released. I´m most proud to say that "Man over board" is implemented. Great for increased security when chilling on water in both small and big boats. Check screen shots and you´ll get what I mean. And a few other enhancements as well.

Posted by gslott 2010-09-10

New release

I just released v 1.1. I´m glad to say that navigation towards and away from landmarks are implemented.
The aim is to help boats navigate over open water where drift and small miss-calibrations in magnetic compasses makes a big differens.
While navigating away from a landmark you see relative direction and distance from landmark. While navigate towards a landmark you see distance and arrows pointing if you should turn right or left.... read more

Posted by gslott 2010-06-04