
OpenVL (Open Volume Library) / News: Recent posts

OpenVL at IEEE Visualization 2003

OpenVL was demonstrated at IEEE Visualization at the poster session and the Interactive Demo Labs. We got a lot of feedback and hopefully we will find more users and contributors.

Posted by Sarang Lakare 2003-11-05

OpenVL at Volume Graphics '03

The first paper on design of OpenVL was presented at Volume Graphics 2003 at Tokyo, Japan. The OpenVL source code and binaries for version 0.3.0 are also included on the conference CD.


Posted by Sarang Lakare 2003-07-10

OpenVL 0.3.0 released

Here comes another release of OpenVL. This is version 0.3.0. This is a developmental release (The minor number '3' is odd). That is, the API is not stable yet and there could be bugs! But it is stable enough for practical purposes. We will continue releasing on the 0.3.x series till a source incompatible change in introduced.

Dowload and try out the release today! Do not forget to read the release notes before you install.... read more

Posted by Sarang Lakare 2003-04-28

Research paper online

The first research paper on the design of OpenVL has been accepted at the Volume Graphics 2003 conference!! The paper is now available under the "Research Papers" link on OpenVL's website.


Posted by Sarang Lakare 2003-04-27

Added online presentation

Just added the presentation that I gave about OpenVL at Stony Brook University's Computer Science dept. You can find it by following the "Presentations" link from the main page.


Posted by Sarang Lakare 2003-01-31

ver 0.1.2 released

A new version has been released. This release contains more plugins. Read the changlog and release notes before installing.


Posted by Sarang Lakare 2003-01-18

Critical bug fix release

Version 0.1.1 is released and upgrade is strongly recommended. It fixes a critical bug in iterators.

Posted by Sarang Lakare 2003-01-03

First release of OpenVL

Today we made our first public release. We have released OpenVL version 0.1.0. This is an unstable/developmental release. The version numbers of OpenVL will be similar to those of the Linux kernel. An odd minor version number (the y in ver x.y.z) will indicate an unstable/developmental release. An even minor version number will indicate a stable release.

Look forward to a stable release soon. That release will have a version number of 0.2.0. The major version number (x in ver x.y.z) will indicate the API type. All releases of OpenVL with the same major version number will be backward compatible. Whenever we make backward incompatible changes to OpenVL, we will change the major version number.... read more

Posted by Sarang Lakare 2002-12-27

CVS crosses1000 commits

On Dec 24th, OpenVL's CVS crossed 1000 commits! Hopefully we will have more developers and more commits in future!


Posted by Sarang Lakare 2002-12-26

Design document online

A new design document is now online. It describes every part of OpenVL in details. It also has all the implementation details.

To access the document, click on "Design Document" under "Documentation" on the main page or go directly to:

Please give your comments. This is an evolving document.


Posted by Sarang Lakare 2002-12-24