
LCDProc-Ruby / News: Recent posts

Source Code Update

I have finally setup LCDProc on my Mac Pro and am running it at the moment for testing. I have already found a few fairly major bugs that I want to iron out before I release the beta. I think some of the problems are caused by using curses as the driver which is causing horizontal bars to not show up properly. I need to grab a real LCD to use for testing. I should be able to pick one up tomorrow.

Just wanted to put out an update that I am working on it, and I am getting somewhere.

Posted by Topher Fangio 2008-07-30

Source Code Soon

I am in the process of modifying and testing the source code for the beta release. I have tested it with LCDProc 0.5.1, but they have since release 0.5.2 and I want to make sure that I have all of the kinks worked out.

Check back within the next few days and please feel free to submit bug reports and suggestions!

Posted by Topher Fangio 2008-07-29