
SubdiverSVN / News: Recent posts

SubdiverSVN 0.1-2 Released.

* When Nautilus and Thunar started, gnomevfs was initialized.

* Some memory leaks were removed.

* New: Line of the list view discolors.

* Fix: Meaning of a "cache the password" option
was inverse.

* New: 'add' and 'revert' command reuse account
setting. svn 1.5 later

Posted by T.Yamada 2009-04-26

gSvnClientCore 1.5.2-1 Released.

gSvnClientCore 1.5.2-1 Released.

Posted by T.Yamada 2008-10-05

SubdiverSVN 0.1-1 Released.

* New: File status is displayed in Nautilus emblem.

* New: Nautilus emblem optoin dialog was completed.

* Fix: Account setting disappeared after reboot.

* Fix: 'revert' doesn't work when the account is set.

* Fix: 'add' and 'revert' command do not use account setting.

* Fix: Tool button of old GTK (Mepis7) was not reacting.

Posted by T.Yamada 2008-10-03

SubdiverSVN 0.1-0 Released.

The project name is changed from ToytoiseSVN to SubdiverSVN, and status is changed from the alpha version to the beta version 0.1.

Dependence on exo was stopped.

"use-commit-times" option was supported. read more

Posted by T.Yamada 2007-12-16

New project starts.

SubdiverSVN was called ToytoiseSVN before.
However, I thought that the users will misunderstand.
Then, I renamed it to SubdiverSVN.
Details are here.

Posted by T.Yamada 2007-11-23