
dtone / News: Recent posts

New code module


The new code I started with is a module and can be checked out from the CVS with the alias 'dt2'. However be warned, this is *very* *very* experimental and not yet much. (Except a client sending a server 1 message each run)

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-11-11

A slight turn in mission

Well in the last time I was first a little unsatisfied in how things evolve, and then somewhat uncertain which way to move on. The last weeks (and even months) I've played with my thoughts to separate the compiler, tree management and the backend into three applications speaking via rpc with each other.

After some time pondering about the consequences I've now definitly decided to go for it. With this new way also a change in the long sight mission where I want this project to evolve to, which I'll try to outline: ... read more

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-11-10


I've recently commited drpcgen to the dtone CVS repository.

Drpcgen is a modified version of sun's rpcgen. A meta-compiler reading a .x protocol definition file and generating from this compilable sources which can be used in an application to speak via this protocol between the server and the client.

Drpcgen is modified to write dtone .d source files instead of the classical C files, and I just managed to send to first message from a C client to a dtone server!... read more

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-11-09

signal of life

Hi people,

Well it has grown a little silent, you wanted to let know the project is still alive :o)

Altough unfortunally currently work absorbs quite some energy, and additionally I recently moved away from my parents, so additionally there is a household to do :/ But aside that I intend to continue this project as a cute hobby.

Currently I'm thinking about a change in design. If we're continuing like this, this project will just be "yet another language". Well I personally believe if the compiler is finished the language will be better than C or C++. But frankly that will not be enough to even a sparkle of light, there are is quite a huge set of languages around, and maybe some companions who also beat C/C++/Java in their ways.... read more

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-09-25

Holding breath in mourning to the WTC

Today the whole world was shocked for the news we heared. Also I want to express my teariness for all victims and for all who have moms, dads, kids, partners, friends etc. yet missed.

The whole world holds it's breath and so do I.

- Axel

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-09-12

feature freeze

Dtone is currently going through a small feature freeze. The dtc source code will be cleaned up and revamped a little before new feature are added.

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-09-01

Dtone 0.2.1 released.

As the version says, this is mainly a bugfix release.

- new: delete operator works for arrays.
- new: object are allowed to be generated on stack
with automatic destruction.
- fixed: segfault during compilation (from Parser.is_var())

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-08-27

Dtone 0.2.0 has been released!

There are quite some improvements and changes since 0.1.0 worth looking at.

from the changelog:

- new: reference paramaters are now available!
- new: automatic constant string concation.
- new: $identifier can now be used to override keywords. (experimental feature)
- new: interfaces for the sdl library (simple direct media) (not complete)
- new: a warning will be generated if a variable is shadowed.
- change: the dtone compiler is now called 'dtc'.
- change: dtc now expects the whole filename of the main file (with .d)
- change: changed to 'constructor' and 'destructor' syntax.
- change: the 'local' keyword is now used to declare objects to be instanced right in place. (':=' operator was used before)
- change: array syntax changed (more simple, since it's now always clearly near the type)
- improved: the 'revolve' example is now able to recursivly change the dtone header tags.
- improved: 'hollow' can now specify the exact c represenation of an object.
- imporved: the html-browse backend now generates strings and comments more correctly.
- workaround: disabled bracket evaluation in the c-code backend, it is false in some cases.
- fixed: arrays in classes.
- fixed, improved a lot of small issues, simplified code a bit.

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-08-24


constructor syntax has changed!
You now write the 'constructor' keyword instead of repeating the class name.
Additonally there is a new experimental feature: allowing $variablename, this specifies _always_ an identifier, so you can reuse keywords, like in example int32 $if; i and $i refer to the same variable.

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-08-18

paths restructured


The dtone paths in the CVS tree have been restructed. The Dtone compiler is now called "dtc", and it's position in the tree is "dtone/dtc".

CVS Paths like "dtone/dtone/strap/dtone.c" were a little confusing right? And a little much dtone words for a single project :o) Now it's "dtone/dtc/strap/dtc.c", I guess this is better, and dtc is of course faster to type also :o)

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-08-15


Theres a new document in the web's doc section "dtone about dtone", descriping a bit what this project is/aims to be.

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-07-27

Forums closed

Hi, although potentionally nobody might have noticed, I closed the dtone forums. It's an information source less to check every day, so looking into the email-bag is enough.
All inquiries please to the mailing-list:

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-07-03

Dtone-0.1.0 has been released.

And I think it was high time for it! This is an initial snuffle release, something you can play with, experirment and enjoy.

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-06-27

New Domain

I throwed some bucks in, so the Dtone project has now it's own domain:

Thanks to for the hosting the DNS Server for free.

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-06-26

Brain-friendly Homepage

Recently I've seen a scientific survey investigating human-machine interfaces. They said for all kind of user interfaces it is very important to -always- see the context you're currently moving in. So with this recent change our homepage follows now these directions. Hope you like the Navbar.

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-06-22


I changed the dtone-news to support sourceforge's nice news database. If all runs well you should soon be able to read the news directly on the projects homepage.

Posted by Axel Kittenberger 2001-06-20