
dailystrips / News: Recent posts

dailystrips-1.0.28 Released

Release 1.0.28 includes numerous fixed definitions and several new ones as
well (554 comics supported). Also now fixed is the RedHat 8/9
incompatibility. Finally, this release includes an expiremental auto-update
script for definitions files.

Posted by Andrew Medico 2003-08-25

dailystrips-1.0.27 Released

dailystrips-1.0.27 is now out. This is a major update over the last version, fixing a number of strips and adding over 200 new ones. The current strip count is 546.

Posted by Andrew Medico 2003-03-17

dailystrips-1.0.26 Released

After much delay, 1.0.26 has been released. A number of strips have been added and fixed. The number of strips is now 339.

Posted by Andrew Medico 2003-02-24

dailystrips-web-1.0.0 Released

This is the initial beta release of dailystrips-web, a CGI version of dailystrips. Users are presented with a list of comics from which to select, and the comics are then displayed on one page. It is useful for sites providing dailystrips access to many users with varying comics preferences, without using lots of storage space.

Posted by Andrew Medico 2002-07-10

1.0.25 Released

Several strips have been added/fixed, sfgate strips have been (hopefully) fixed permanently, and the dailystrips-clean script can now update the archive.html file as well. The number of strips is now 318.

Posted by Andrew Medico 2002-07-02


dailystrips 1.0.23 has been released. As usual, much work has been done on the definitions: old strips have been removed, broken ones have been fixed, and several new ones have been added. The current
total is 303. In addition, a few program bugs have been fixed.

Posted by Andrew Medico 2002-04-21

dailystrips-1.0.23pre1 released

This is the pre1 release of dailystrips 1.0.23, for testing purposes. Much work has been done to the definitions: broken strips have been
fixed, old ones have been removed, and some new comics have been added. In addition, a few bugs in the program have been fixed.

I think I have responded to all emails since the release of 1.0.22 in February; if not, let me know.

If there are any problems with this release, please email me within the next few days. Otherwise, 1.0.23 will be released around the
end of this week.

Posted by Andrew Medico 2002-04-16

dailystrips 1.0.21 Released

dailystrips 1.0.21 includes several code fixes and cleanups, as well as compatibility fixes for other platforms (especially Win32). Also, numerous strips have been added and many existing strips updated. dailystrips now supports 297 comics.

Posted by Andrew Medico 2002-01-12

1.0.20 Released

This release includes 21 new strips (for a new total of 261), a more reliable way of downloading strips, system-wide definitions, and several new options.

Download at:

Posted by Andrew Medico 2001-10-28

1.0.19 Released

This release includes 20 new strips (bringing the total to 242) and fixes several others, including MegaTokyo. There is also now a link on the downloads page to the latest CVS version of the strip definition file, to make fixes available more frequently than with each release.

Posted by Andrew Medico 2001-10-08

1.0.18 Released

1.0.18 is now out. This release brings a few bug fixes, definition updates, an improvement to the handling of strip downloads, and an RPM is now available. Enjoy!

Posted by Andrew Medico 2001-09-05