
TouTouJS / News: Recent posts

TouTouJS 0.1.2 released

A new release is available for download:

A demo browser and an API document have been included in the distribution. The documentation is still quite incomplete but now exists!

Although this release is still flaged as alpha, it is deployed successfully on several production web sites.

Posted by TouTouJS 2008-03-12

TouTouJS 0.1.1 (alpha) released

A new release is available for download:

Please be aware that this release is still in alpha stage and that some major changes will occur.

Posted by TouTouJS 2007-03-07

TouTouJS 0.1 (alpha) released

The first release of TouTouJS is available for download:

Please be aware that this release is in alpha stage and that some major changes will occur.

Posted by TouTouJS 2007-02-28

The first steps...

We will soon upload the first beta version of TouTouJS.
In the mean time, we are working on a web site for TouTouJS.

Posted by TouTouJS 2007-02-21