
Kevora / News: Recent posts

Git repository for kevora available

Kevora is now available at, too. So, if you want to contribute to the project, a fast and easy way is to access/clone the code from the Gitorious repository. We will continue to update the source at Kevora's CVS repository provided by sourceforge:

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2010-03-24

Kevora version

Kevora version is based on Qt 4.5. Some improvements were made and some bugs corrected. This is still a pre-alpha version, but it already provides connections, execution of sql statements and some data export operations.

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2009-04-03

Migration to Qt 4.5

Kevora will be compiled in Qt 4.5. Actually, We did this compilation, but the installation packages aren't ready yet.

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2009-03-11

Sqlite and Firebird Support

Kevora is being updated to offer support for Sqlite and Firebird databases. Actually, the code from our cvs repository already provides this support. Although, we still need to test operations over firebird connections.

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2009-02-15

Kevora migration to Qt 4.4.3

Kevora is now migrating to Qt 4.4.3.

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2009-01-12


Kevora will provide support for this database, too. Easily, I compiled the firebird (interbase) plugin. It's time to adjust this new support.

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2008-09-22


I'd like to invite developers who like Qt4 and databases to join Kevora's project. The project also needs help from translators and anyone that wants to give suggestions and tips.

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2008-08-22

Kevora will use graphviz

Graphviz diagrams will show the dependencies between tables. It's an easy way to show user dependencies between selected tables.

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2008-06-29

Kevora will use QOpenOcci

As Kevora is a GPL software, it will use QOpenOcci, a free plugin to connect to Oracle Databases, instead commercial plugin provided by commercial version of Qt. Now, Kevora's development will concentrate on its database modules.

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2008-03-24

First Package to Download

This file for downloading is not a full functional IDE. It does not provide database connection yet, it only offers a first prototype of kevora.

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2008-01-18

Because It's Worth It

Qt Programming is really a pleasure... Just some weeks ago, kevora was only a scratch. Now, the first interface prototype is almost ready...

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2007-12-18

Starting The Project...

Kevora development was started due to some programmers' needs for an IDE not oriented to Java, light-weighted and designed to Oracle Databases.

Despite of the existence of another good similar tool (GTKO), Kevora will instead follow KDE standard.

Any KDE programmer, documenter or tester, will be welcome to help us.

Posted by Antonio Menezes 2007-01-04